Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Constitution & Bylaws

Kiti K'Shan Primary School

Parent Advisory Council


January 2008
School District No. 82, Coast Mountains






The name of the Association shall be the KITI K'SHAN PRIMARY SCHOOL PARENT ADVISORY COUNCIL.

The Council will operate as a non-profit organization with no financial benefit.

The business of the council shall be unbiased towards race, religion, gender or politics.

The purpose of the Council is to act in an advisory role on any matters relating to the school. Through promotion of parental involvement, we will support, encourage and improve the quality of education and the well being of the children in Kiti K'Shan Primary School.

1. To advise parents’ on any matter relating to the school – programs policies, plans, and activities.
2. Provide a forum for discussion of educational programs, services and activities.
3. To make recommendations to the Principal on school programs and services.
4. To assist parents in accessing the system and to provide advocacy support for individual children and their parents.
5. To organize PAC events, in conjunction with the Principal, to encourage and involve parents in school activities that support the school’s goals and programs.
6. To work with parents, students, staff and community members to provide a healthy, safe and supportive environment.
7. Promote a spirit of cooperation within the school community.
8. To participate in the work of the school planning council through the PAC’s elected representatives

1. In the event of dissolution or winding up of the Council, and after payment of all debts and costs of dissolution or winding up, the assets and remaining funds of the Council shall be distributed to another parent advisory council or councils in School District No. 82, Coast Mountains having purposes and objectives similar to those of the Council, and which meet all requirements of the British Columbia Gaming Commission, as the members of the Council may determine at the time of dissolution or winding up. This clause shall be unalterable.

2. In the event of dissolution of the Council, all records of the organization shall be placed under the jurisdiction of School District No. 82, Coast Mountains in the person of the principal of the school. In the person of the Secretary-Treasurer of the school district.

Ø Parents – the parent/parents or guardian of a child or children in School District No. 82, Coast Mountains
Ø Parent Advisory Council – “the Council” any organized group of parents recognized under the British Columbia School Act.
Ø School Planning Council – “SPC” three parent representatives, principal and one teaching member working together on school growth plans.
Ø School – any public elementary or secondary educational institution within School District No. 82, Coast Mountains
Ø District – School District No. 82, Coast Mountains
Ø SD# 82 – School District No. 82, Coast Mountains.
Ø BCCPAC - British Columbia Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils
Ø DPAC – the Coast Mountains District Parent Advisory Council, which is recognized by the Board of Trustees of School District No. 82, to be the umbrella group of Parent Advisory Councils formed or to be formed in each school.
Ø Community Organizations – groups, which demonstrate an interest in education and are not already, included in the scope of this constitution.


All parents and guardians of students registered at Kiti K'Shan Primary School, excluding those parents and guardians who are School District #82 employees, are voting members of the Parent Advisory Council. The parents and guardians who are employees of School District #82 may be non-voting members.
1. Administration and staff (teaching and non-teaching) of Kiti K'Shan Primary School may be non-voting members of the Council, except as otherwise provided herein.
2. Members of the school community who are not parents of students currently enrolled in the system may be invited to become non-voting members of the Council.
3. At no time shall the Council have more non-voting than voting members.
4. Any parent that is an employee of the school board or Ministry of Education must declare and refrain from participation in any discussion when any potential conflict of interest or bias issues arise at a meeting.
5. Yearly membership of the Kiti K'Shan Primary PAC in School District #82 DPAC and BCCPAC shall be voted upon at the Annual General Meeting.

The Council Member should:

Ø Attend as many Council meetings as possible.
Ø Become knowledgeable about the educational programs and resources of the school.
Ø Promote positive attitudes about the school and it’s educational programs and services.
Ø Support the Council’s purposes and objectives.

The Principal Should:

Ø Consult on the operation and organization of the Council.
Ø Encourage the participation of parents in the Council.
Ø Assist in the development of Council objectives.
Ø Provide information to the Council on the general activities of the school and keep the Council informed of the current developments within the school as they relate to the Council’s scope of participation in school related matters.
Ø Attend Council meetings or designate another staff member to attend.

1. Meetings will be conducted efficiently and with fairness to the members present.
2. There shall be an Annual General Meeting (AGM) for the purpose of election of officers held in September of each year. Notice shall be sent to all parents and the Principal (7) days prior to the meeting.
3. Calendar of regular meetings for the school year shall be set after the elections at the AGM and shall be sent home to all parents, principal. This will serve as notice to all members of all regular meetings of the Council.
4. Regular meetings shall be held not less than eight times per year, one of those being the AGM.
5. Executive meetings may be held anytime or place as deemed necessary. The purpose of executive meetings is to carry on business between regular meetings. Decisions made at an executive meeting will be ratified at the next regular meeting.
6. If procedural problems arise on an issue not covered in these bylaws, Robert’s Rules of Order (edition) shall be used to resolve the issue.
7. A Council meeting shall not be a forum for the discussion of individual issues relating to school personnel, students, parents, or other individual members of the school community.
8. The Chairperson at the discretion of the Chairperson may call special meetings.
9. The Chairperson at the written request of four (4) members shall call special meetings. The written request shall contain the reasons for the meeting and only that business may be dealt with at the special meeting.
10. Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson to include voting members only. A report of the special meeting shall be made to the non-voting members.
11. Notice of a special meeting shall be sent to all parents and the Principal at least seven (7) days prior to a special meeting, except in the case of urgency as determined by the Chairperson, and shall contain a statement of the general nature of the business to be dealt with at the special meeting.
12. The inadvertent omission to give notice of a meeting or the failure to receive a notice by a parent does not invalidate proceedings at that meeting.
13. Each member may attend any meeting of the Council.
14. The Chairperson may postpone a vote for one meeting to allow additional participation by members.
15. Minutes of the previous meeting shall be prepared by the secretary of the Council for approval at the next regular meeting. Minutes shall be distributed to all members following the meeting.

The voting members present at any duly called regular meeting shall constitute a quorum, except as otherwise provided herein.

1. Each member present at a meeting of the Council shall be entitled to one vote except as otherwise provided herein.
2. Unless otherwise provided, questions arising at any meeting shall be decided by a simple majority vote (50% plus 1).
3. In the case of a tie vote, the motion is defeated.
4. Members must vote personally on all matters; voting by proxy shall not be permitted.
5. Voting shall be done by a show of hands, with the exception of the election of officers, which must be by secret ballot. A vote shall be taken to destroy the ballots after the election.
6. The election of representatives to the School Planning Council must be by secret ballot.
7. Motion may be made by Council to hold a vote by secret ballot when deemed appropriate by the Council.

1. The executive officers shall be elected by the voting members at the Annual General Meeting. Only one executive member per term may be held by a parent/guardian that is an employee of the school district. This person may not hold the Chair, Vice Chair or SPC position and they will not have a vote regardless of position as per Section 5, Membership in the PAC. No elected official of the school district or Ministry of Education shall hold an executive position.
2. In the event of a vacancy on the executive during the year, the executive shall appoint a new officer at the next regular meeting (an individual who has been nominated by the PAC) who shall hold office until the next election.
3. If an SPC or DPAC representative resigns or ceases to hold office for any other reason, the membership may elect an eligible member of the Council to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term. Such election must be by secret ballot.
4. Three parent/guardian representatives to the School Planning Council shall be elected annually from parents of students enrolled in the School, who are not employees of any school district. One of the representatives must be an elected officer of the Parent Advisory Council. The other two (or either one of them) may also be PAC executive members.
5. The election of representatives to the SPC and DPAC must be by secret ballot.

1. The term of office shall commence immediately following election at the AGM and shall be until the next AGM.
2. No person may hold any one position for more than four consecutive years.
3. No person may hold more than one elected executive position at any one time.
4. The term of office for School Planning Council representatives shall be one year.

1. A board of elected officers shall manage the affairs of the Council.
2. The Executive Officers may be as follows:
School Planning Council Representative (1)
DPAC Representative
3. Only one executive member per term may be held by a parent/guardian that is an employee of the school district. This person may not hold the position of President, Vice President, School Planning Council Representative or DPAC Representative.

The Chairperson shall:

1. convene and preside at membership, special and executive meetings
2. ensure that an agenda is prepared, presented and discussed with the principal ahead of time
3. know the constitution and bylaws and meeting rules
4. know where to find resources to assist members
5. appoint committees where authorized to do so by the executive or membership
6. consult PAC members regularly
7. ensure that the PAC is represented in school and district activities
8. ensure that PAC activities are aimed at achieving the objectives and purposes of the organization
9. be the official spokesperson for the organization
10. be signing officers
11. submit an annual report

The Vice-Chairperson shall:

1. assume the responsibilities of the Chairperson in the Chairperson’s absence or upon request
2. assist the Chairperson in the performance of his/her duties
3. accept extra duties as required
4. be a signing officer
5. submit an annual report
6. The Secretary shall:

1. ensure that members are notified of meetings
2. record the minutes of general, special and executive meetings
3. keep an accurate and up-to-date copy of the Constitution and Bylaws and have copies available for members upon request
4. issue and receive correspondence on behalf of the organization
5. may be a signing officer
6. safely keep all records of the Council
7. submit an annual report

The Treasurer shall:

1. be one of the signing officers of the executive
2. receive all funds for the Council
3. disburse funds authorized by the executive or members
4. maintain an accurate record of all expenditures of the Council
5. give a report of all receipts and expenditures at all regular meetings
6. deposit all funds collected on behalf of the Council in an account at a recognized financial institution approved by the PAC
7. make books available for viewing by members upon request
8. have the books ready for inspection or audit annually
9. with the assistance of the executive, draft a tentative plan of expenditures as per Section XIV
10. ensure that another signing officer has access to the books in the event of his/her absence
11. Books remain the responsibility of the treasurer. Members may view them when accompanied by the treasurer or designated executive member.
12. Submit an annual financial statement at the annual general meeting

The School Planning Council (SPC) Representative shall:

1. attend all meetings of the school planning council (SPC)
2. be one of three elected SPC representatives
3. represent, speak & vote on behalf of the PAC at SPC meetings
4. be strong advocates for meaningful parent involvement in the school and school planning
5. take direction from the general PAC membership
6. report back to the PAC at general meetings
7. Submit an annual report

The DPAC Representative shall:

1. Attend all meetings of (SD#82 DPAC) and represent, speak, and vote on behalf of the Council
2. Maintain current registration of the Council
3. Report regularly to the membership and executive on all matters relating to the DPAC
4. Seek and give input to the DPAC on behalf of the Council
5. Receive, circulate, and post DPAC newsletters, brochures, and announcements
6. Receive and act on all other communications from the DPAC
7. Liaise with other parents and DPAC representatives
8. Submit an annual report
9. If the PAC of Kiti K'Shan decides not to participate in DPAC, this position shall
not be filled

A parent who accepts a position as a PAC Executive Member:

1. Upholds the constitution and bylaws, policies and procedures of the electing body.
2. Performs her/his duties with honesty and integrity.
3. Works to ensure that the well being of students is the primary focus of all decisions.
4. Respects the rights of all individuals.
5. Takes directions from the members, ensuring representation processes are in place.
6. Encourages and supports parents and students with individual concerns to act on their own behalf and provides information on the process for taking forward concerns.
7. Works to ensure those issues are resolved through due process.
8. Strives to be informed and only passes on information that is reliable.
9. Respects all confidential information.
10. Supports public education.
11. Sign and submit for record the Statement of Understanding.

1. Standing and ad hoc committees shall be formed when necessary.
2. Committees are responsible to the executive members.
3. The PAC executive may appoint members to committees annually.
4. The membership or executive may elect or appoint a member (a representative of a Council member) who is not an employee or elected official of School District No. 82 or the Ministry of Education to represent the Council on an external committee or to an external organization.
5. The representative will report to the membership or executive as required.

1. Council may raise and spend money in furtherance of its’ purposes and objectives.
2. A tentative plan of expenditures will be drawn up by the executive and presented for approval to the Council.
3. Any fundraising activities by the PAC, which would be sent home through the students, will require prior approval of the principal.
4. Expenditures over $100.00 must receive the prior approval of the members at a regular or special meeting. The hot lunch coordinator shall have the authority to exceed the $100.00 expenditure limit. This is subject to PAC approval at the first regular meeting of the school year.
5. All funds of the organization will be kept on deposit in a bank or financial institution registered under the Bank Act.
6. The executive shall name at least three signing officers for banking and legal documents. Two signatures will be required on all of these documents.
7. A Treasurer’s Report shall be presented at each general meeting.
8. Members at a regular meeting may appoint an auditor.

1. Except as provided in the constitution, the members may, in consultation with the Principal, and by a majority of not less than 75% of the vote’s cast; amend the constitution and bylaws of the organization.
2. Written notice of a meeting at which a resolution will be considered to amend the bylaws shall be given to all members in writing at least fourteen days before the meeting. The amendments will be ratified at the next regular meeting.
3. A constitution or bylaw amendment shall be dated, signed and forwarded to the School Board Office for safekeeping.

1. The members may, by a majority of not less than 75% of votes cast, remove an executive member before the expiration of his/her term of office, and may elect a successor to complete the term.
2. Written notice via confidential sealed envelope referring only to member's title and no name, specifying the intention to make a motion to remove the executive member shall be given to the members not less than 14 days before the meeting.

All documents, records, minutes, correspondence or other papers kept by a member, executive member or committee member in connection with the organization shall be deemed to be property of the organization, and shall be turned over to the president when the member, executive member or committee member ceases to perform the task to which the papers relate.

Adopted by Kiti K'Shan Primary School PAC at Terrace, British Columbia on

January 30th, 2008

Parent Handbook

A Handbook For Parents

Table of Contents

Introduction page 3

Tips for Parents – Supporting Your Child’s Education page 4

Roles and Responsibilities page 5

School Personnel page 8

Tips for Parents – Preparing for Meeting with School Personnel page 12

What to Do If You Have a Concern page 14

Volunteering page 16

Creating Learning Environments page 17

Supporting Your Child’s Language Learning page 18

Limiting Televising Watching page 19

Preparing Children for Reading page 21

Tips for Reading with Your Child at Home page 23

Different Ways to Read With Your Child page 23

Helping Children Learn to write page 24

Arithmetic for Young Children page 25

Resources page 26


Parents* play a key role in the education of their children. They are their children’s first teacher. They are also primarily responsible for giving their children values, self-confidence, and an understanding of who they are.

All parents want their children to have an education of the highest quality. They also want their children to do well in school, make friends, and have positive experiences.

It is clear that parental involvement is one of the most important factors in achieving those goals.

Parents can help their children achieve education success in numerous ways.

*The term parent used in this handbook is meant to refer to caregivers and family members as well.

v Parents can encourage their children, and show them that education is important.

v Parental involvement is school activities helps to strengthen the entire school environment.

v Parents can provide students with extra assistance, and give children support and understanding.

Parents can also provide a strong learning environment at home by reinforcing the importance of school and encouraging their children to do their best.

Parents can demonstrate the importance of reading, and ensure that homework is completed. Parents can promote regular school attendance, and help with homework and other school activities.

Parents can also help with school progress by monitoring report cards and visiting the school for parent teacher conferences.

Providing ongoing support and being involved in the education process can sometimes be difficult.

Many parents are not sure how to become active in the school, or how to best assist their children at home.

This handbook is intended to provide some general information for parents, to help them understand the structure of the school system, and how they can approach the school to ensure that their children’s needs are met.

We hope that this handbook is useful

Remember… two thirds of a person’s learning takes place before they enter school.

Tips for Parents –
Supporting Your Child’s Education

Parental involvement is one of the most important factors in student success. Parents can support their children and encourage them to succeed at school in many, many ways. Some of the things you can do include:

* Reinforcing the importance of a good education and creating a supportive environment at home;

* Regularly attending school meeting, participating in school decision-making, and getting to know your child’s teacher and the school Principal;

* Encouraging regular attendance;

* Keeping track of your child’s progress at school;

* Volunteering and helping out at the school; and

* Helping you child with learning activities and homework.

Some of the suggestions outlined in this handbook may be useful to you. You can also talk to your child’s teacher or Principal for even more ideas.


Parents play a key role in their child’s education. According to the BC School Act,

Parents are entitled to:

* Be informed of their child’s attendance, behavior, and progress in school;

* Receive annual reports respecting the general effectiveness of educational programs in the school district;

* Examine all records kept by the school board pertaining to their child;

* Be consulted regarding the placement of a child with special needs;

* Be involved in the planning, development and implementation of their child’s education program; and

* Belong to a parents’ advisory council.

In addition to those rights - - - parents should feel justified in asking

* To be informed and involved in education decisions that affect their children, including changes in the courses they are taking;

* To be consulted, and to give consent, regarding the type and nature of assessments for their child, and to be informed of the results;

* To have their concerns listened to, and responded to, promptly and respectfully;

* To have school personnel set high expectations for their children;

* To have access to personnel, such as teachers, teaching assistants, Principals, board administrators, and board trustees for information and help;

* To have concerns treated with confidentiality;

* To receive understandable progress reports; and

* To be involved in the planning process and review of their child’s Individual Education Plans (IEP’s), including signing the IEP agreement before it is used.**

**IEPs are described in more detail in A Parents Guide to Understanding the IEP Process, available at the Principal’s Office

Parents have a responsibility:

* To ensure their child’s regular attendance at school;

* To be aware of school policies, programs, rules, and routines;

* To share concerns openly and immediately with the appropriate person;

* To respond to notes, memos and requests;

* To tell their child’s teacher when things are going well, and when they are not;

* To describe concerns clearly; and

* To be reasonably patient and respectful with the people responsible for educating their child

Tips for Parents – Giving Encouragement

This activity won’t take long. Do it when your family is together, perhaps at dinnertime.

* Take turns telling each other about something good that happened to each of you during the day.

* At first, you might want to start the conversation. Or ask one of your children: “what is something nice that happened to you today? Tell us about it.”

* If a child says nothing good happened, ask, “What’s something nice you did for someone else?”
Kiti K'Shan Primary School Parent Advisory Council

This is your opportunity as parents to get involved in your child’s education. Our purpose is to … “The purpose of the Council is to act in an advisory role on any matters relating to the school. Through promotion of parental involvement, we will support, encourage and improve the quality of education and the well being of the children in Kiti K'Shan Primary School.”

Each year we have elections for the positions of Chairperson, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, DPAC Representative and the three School Planning Council Representatives.

* Chairperson's job to Chair all meetings…

* Vice President is the one who makes sure everyone knows what is happening, when how etc.

* Secretary’s mission to be responsible for minutes, newsletters, getting out the agenda, keeping files of the correspondence.

* Treasurer’s responsibility is the finances of the PAC. Doing bank deposits and reconciliation’s, reporting monthly on finances, assist with the budget and financial statements at the end of the year. Also looking after the Gaming Account.

* DPAC Representative will attend all meetings of (SD#82 DPAC) and represent, speak, and vote on behalf of the Council

* School Planning Council has become the formal acknowledgement of the importance of parental involvement in student achievement. We will elect three parents to sit on this board.
* Must be parents or guardians of students in the school

* One must be an officer of the PAC

* Cannot be a employee of any school board

* Elected by secret ballot for one year term

Please watch for the notice of when our meetings will be held so that you can plan on attending.

School Personnel

Our school includes the following personnel. It is important to remember, however, that other schools may differ. Some schools may not have all of the staff described. Also, some schools may use different terms to describe a person in a similar situation. You can ask your child’s school about the positions that exist there.

The Principal

The Principal is responsible for managing the school.

The Principal’s duties include:

* Maintaining the school’s philosophy, and ensuring that everyone understand the philosophy;

* Providing leadership for staff, parents, and students;

* Monitoring the educational programs of the school;

* Communicating with the school board or governing authority; and

* Managing the placement and general conduct of students.

You can contact the school Principal if you have questions about the school’s programs, or about your child’s situation specifically.

The Principal can help you to understand the school’s goals, and the day-to-day operations of the school.


Classroom teachers are responsible for the progress of individual children.

The teacher’s duties usually include:

* Planning instruction for the class and for individual students;

* Evaluating and reporting on each child’s progress;

* Communicating with parents regarding their child’s education;

* Supervising and coordinating the work of teaching assistants;

* Modifying and adapting their teaching style and activities to help each student achieve success;

* Implementing the goals and objectives of the IEP; and

* Coordinating and managing information from other support personnel, such as counselors, speech therapists, social workers, etc.
Classroom teachers are key to the education of your child. They spend the most time with students when they are at school. You should be able to talk to your child’s teacher any time you have concerns. The school should organize Parent/teacher meetings at least once each year. You can also arrange to talk to your child’s teacher at other times if you have questions or if you wish to discuss any aspects of your child’s education.

Teaching Assistants

Some schools employ teaching assistants who work with classroom teachers. Teaching assistants work with individual and groups of children. They work under the supervision of classroom teachers.

The duties of teaching assistants may include:

* Helping students with communication and technical equipment;

* Classroom observations;

* Assisting individual or small groups of students with learning activities;

* Following behavior management programs;

* Following therapy programs for students with special needs;

* Helping students with personal care;

* Helping to monitor social interactions among students; and

* Collecting data and keeping records about student progress.

Support Teachers

In some schools, there are other staff who are not responsible for a classroom of students, but who provide valuable support to the classroom teacher. These support people may include the Learning Assistance Teacher or Resource Teacher. These staff may have distinct roles, or the roles may be blended. Some support teachers may be assigned to a school full-time; others may be available part-time.

Usually, the duties of support teachers include:

* Providing support or special programs to students with special needs;

* Providing adaptations and/or interventions for physical or behavioral needs;

* Helping to coordinate the team of professionals who work with children with special needs;

* Assisting classroom teachers;

* Coordinating IEPs; and

* Assisting students through transitions to new classrooms or new schools.

First Nations Support Workers

Many schools, particularly in the public school system, employ First Nations Support Workers, sometimes called First Nations Liaison Workers. Those individuals are available to help support First Nations students. They can assist First Nations parents and help to connect the school to First Nations communities. Some First Nations programs are also offered or supported by Support Workers.

Speaking with the First Nations Support Worker is often a good first step in approaching a school and learning more about the education programs it offers. First Nations Support Workers often act as advocates and can support parents in accessing information.

Other Professionals

Teachers also work with other professionals such as psychologist, speed and language pathologists, occupational therapists, childcare workers, counselors, nurses, and doctors. If a number of professionals are working with your child, someone should be assigned to coordinate the service delivery. Parents should be able to speak with that coordinator and share their questions and concerns on an ongoing basis.
Tips or Parents – Giving Encouragement

Notice when your child helps out, cooperates, or takes responsibility. Let your child know you have noticed. Use the words “I appreciate.”

* “I appreciate it when you put the trash our without being told. Thank you.

* “I appreciated how you played quietly while I was on the phone.”

* “I appreciated how you completed your homework without being told.”


In the public education system, the school board is responsible for:

* Establishing policies for the operation and administration of the schools within the district;

* Managing school property;

* Employing teachers, administrators and non-teaching staff;

* Establishing regulations for the functioning of students, staff, and schools; and

* Ensuring that decision-making at all levels is fair.

School boards employ a Superintendent of Schools, who is the chief administrator of the school district, and an Assistant Superintendent, who is usually assigned a specific area of responsibility such as instruction, personnel, or special education.

Parents have the right to ask for the school district’s philosophy, policies and procedures, including their First Nations programs and special education policies.

Parents also have a right to be informed of school board activities and decisions.
Parents can get involved by:

* Attending school board meetings;

* Participating at parent advisory meetings;

* Making personal or phone contact with school board members, who are called trustees;

* Reading the local paper about school board decisions;

* Asking for school district policies; and
* Talking to other parents and community members who have experience with the school board.

Tip for Parents

If you have concerns, talk to the school staff. They won’t know you have a concern if you don’t tell them.Tips for Parents –
Preparing for Meetings With School Personnel

Parents, school staff, or other professionals may call meetings. Meeting may be called for many reasons, including:

* To allow teachers and parents to meet and get to know one another;

* To discuss a child’s progress in school;

* To plan a child’s educational program;

* To prepare for a transition to new class or school and/or

* To resolve an important issue about a child.

Meetings can be intimidating for any parent. Many people feel nervous when they are going to meet with professionals about their child’s education.

But remember – some meetings may be to talk about positive aspects of your child’s education and progress.

If the meeting is being held to discuss a particular challenge, the focus should still be what is best for your child. Everyone should have your child’s best interests in mind.

Some of the following suggestions may help to make meetings between parents and school staff more successful.

Pre-Meeting Preparation

* Be clear about the purpose of the meeting. If you call a meeting, inform the people you are meeting with why you are asking to speak to them. If someone else has organized the meeting, ask for an agenda. Also clarify what, if any, decisions are to be made.

* Prepare any questions you might have. Write those questions down if that will help you. Remember to stay focused on key issues.

* Ask who will be attending the meeting, and what role they will play.

* Invite a person or a few people who can help you in the meeting. Let them know the purpose of the meeting.

* If possible, have both parents attend the meeting. This may mean asking the school staff to meet at a time that is convenient for both parents.

* Take careful notes, or ask someone to come with you to take notes.

At the Meeting

* Make sure that information presented by the professionals is clear. Ask questions to ensure you understand the information being shared.

* Try to have patience, but be assertive and firm about what your child needs.

* Seek solutions to challenges. Don’t focus on what you don’t want.

* Review the decisions made before leaving the meeting.

* Do not agree to anything you are not sure about. Take time if you need to. Agree to meet again if necessary.

* If someone else has taken minutes, ask for a copy.

* Understand the next steps before the meeting ends. Make sure you know who is responsible for actions to be taken. Clearly state who you think will undertake any follow-up.

* Ensure that everyone agrees to respect confidentiality.

Following the Meeting

* Think about whether you are satisfied with the information you received and any decisions made.

* Check how you are feeling. If feelings have arisen after the meeting, make note of them.

* Talk to a support person about how you are feeling.

* Review your notes of the meeting. Are they complete?

* Compare your notes with any other minutes taken.

* Make sure you are clear about next steps. If you are not sure, call the meeting participants and ask for clarification.

* Send a letter to the people at the meeting, outlining your understanding of the major points and next steps. Indicate what decisions you think were made. Indicate whether or not you agree. Outline who you think is responsible for follow-up. Keep a copy of the letter.

Most importantly – ask as many questions as you need before, during, and after the meeting. Make sure you have enough information to feel informed. Only agree to decisions when you feel you fully understand the issues. If you’re not comfortable with how the meeting went, talk about it with someone you trust.
What to do if you do have a concern.

Establishing good communication with your child’s teachers and Principal can usually prevent concerns from arising. Many problems that arise result from misunderstandings. If you do have a concern, it is best to begin by trying to address it at the school level first.

Some general suggestions if a concern arises include:

* Listen carefully to your child. Try to understand all points of view. Try to be logical and set aside strong feelings for the time being.

* Decide if your child can handle an issue or if your support is needed.

* Keep a record of phone calls you make, letters you send, and meetings that take place. Note the date of each.

* Think carefully about your concern. Keep an open mind about the reasons for the actions and responses of others.

If you decide that you should act upon your concern, it may be useful to take the following steps.

Meet With Your Child’s Teacher

* Set up a meeting time that is convenient for you both.

* Present your reasons for the meeting.

* Listen carefully. Take notes.

* Following the tips for meeting, outlined on pages 18 – 23.

* After the meeting, think about whether you are satisfied. Is another meeting necessary? Is progress being made?

If you do not feel that you are getting anywhere with the teacher, let the teacher know that. Offer to invite the Principal, another teacher, or a First Nations Support Worker to meet with you both.

If you are still not satisfied …

Meet With the Principal

* Bring a support person if you want to.

* State your concerns.

* List the steps you have already taken.

* State the action you would like to happen.

* Listen carefully, and take notes.

* Note any agreed upon course of action.

* Send a letter to confirm what you think is going to happen next.

* Discuss your concerns with a friend or support person.

* Decide what actions are best. Make sure you gather as much information as you can to make an informed decision.

If you are still not satisfied after the meeting with the Principal …

Talk to the Parent Advisory Council

If this is an issue that is a school issue and not just related to your student then your school Parent Advisory Council may be able to help you.

Talk to School District Personnel

In the public school system, you can ask to meet with school district personnel. Follow the same suggestions outlined above.

The BC School Act requires that each school district have an internal appeal process for decisions or non-decisions that significantly affect the education, health, or safety of a student.

Ask your school district about its appeal process. Have support people help you through that process.

Ombudsman’s Office

If the appeal process is not satisfactory, the Ombudsman’s Office can review decisions and procedures within the school system. The Office cannot make a binding decision. It can make recommendations to the Minister of Education or School District Superintendent. The Office can also help to resolve issues.

Human Rights Commission

If a school board makes a decision that you believe discriminates against your child on the basis of race or disability, you can file a complaint with the Human Rights Commission. A human rights officer will tell you if you have grounds for a complaint under the Human Rights Act, and will assist you with taking your complaint forward.

This process can be very time consuming, but there is no charge for services provided by the Commission.


You can contact your child’s school and ask about how you can volunteer. Some of the things you can do include those outlined below.

* Join the parent’s advisory council to help make decisions for the school.

* Read with children in the classroom.

* Share your special talents with students, including your skills in crafts, sewing, cooking, story telling, dancing, singing, carpentry, language, art, etc.

* Supervise a school field trip.

* Do one-on-one tutoring with a child.

* Exchange babysitting with another parent who wants to volunteer or attend a school meeting.

* Help the school contact other parents about upcoming activities.

* Help maintain or fix broken equipment.

* Assist in the library.

* Help with coaching a sports team.

* Join school committees.

* Attend all school performances and dinners.

* Take photos at school events.

* Help with hot lunch program.

* Help keep a bulletin board neat and updated.

* Assist language students with one-on-one conversation.

* Help with student groups.

* Help in the office, answering phones or operating equipment.

* Assist students with extra math drills.

* Type materials at home.

How to Be a Super Volunteer

* Let the teacher or school staff know if you can’t do what you had planned to do. They are counting on you to be there.

* Read the school handbook so you are familiar with school rules.

* Attend any orientation sessions.

* If you see something that you do not understand, ask the teacher about it after class.

* Keep everything you see and hear confidential.

* Do not make negative comments about anyone in front of children.

Creating Learning Environments

The following characteristics have been identified as effective ways to support school success.

* Establishing a Daily Family Routine: providing time and a quiet place for study, assigning responsibility for household chores, being firm about times to get up and go to bed, and having dinner together.

* Monitoring Out-of-School Activities: setting limits on television, arranging for after school activities and supervised care.

* Modeling the Value of Learning and Hard Work: communicating regularly through conversation, reading at home, visiting the library, demonstrating that working hard is important.

* Expressing High But Realistic Expectations: setting goals that are appropriate for your child’s age and maturity, recognizing special talents, informing friends and family about your child’s successes.

* Encouraging Your Child’s Development in School: showing interest in your child’s progress at school, helping your child with homework, discussing the value of a good education, talking about possible career options, staying in touch with your child’s teacher and school staff.

* Reading and Writing Regularly: reading together, listening to your child read, talking about what is being read, telling stories, writing letters, lists and messages.

* Using Community Resources for Family Needs: enrolling your child in sports programs, introducing your child to role models, using community services as needed.

Supporting Your Child’s First Nations
Language and Culture Learning

First Nations communities and families can play a key role in promoting the revitalization of First Nations languages. Many First Nations students are now learning their language in school. Parents can support this learning in a variety of ways.

For parents who speak their language …

* Make an effort to use your language at mealtime or on other regular occasions during the day. Try to increase its use over time, moving from words to phrases, and using it for longer periods of time. This will take patience and practice. Don’t give up!!

* Help out in the school and in your community to support events that promote your language and culture.

Parents who don’t speak their language can also help tremendously.

* Use whatever knowledge you have. Use as many words as you know, and let your child’s learning inspire you to learn more words and phrases.

* Attend a language class.

* Encourage someone who does speak your language, such as a grandparent or other family member, to speak with your child.

* Try to find forms of entertainment that integrate your language. Get together with other families with the same idea. Make learning your language fun.

* Spend less time watching TV, and more time visiting with Elders.

* Participate in events in the school and your community that promote your language and culture.

* Let your child know you support the language program. Be enthusiastic and encouraging.

Remember to set realistic goals, be patient with both yourself and your child, and celebrate the positive steps you both take in learning and promoting your language!!

Limiting Television Watching

Research shows that children who spend more than ten hours a week in front of the TV do worse in reading than those who are limited in their TV watching. Here are some ideas to help you limit your child’s TV watching.

* Give your child a few TV tickets every week, each one good for 30 minutes of television. When the tickets are gone, the TV goes off.

* Plan your child’s TV viewing. Write down the programs each child will watch. This helps your child learn to watch programs, not just television.

* Turn off the TV one day a week. Plan other activities. Go for a walk. Read a book together.

* Try disconnecting cable. Children who can’t find anything to watch on TV will choose to do something else.

* Use money saved from the cable bill to do other fun things, such as bowling, ice-skating, or swimming.

* Buy a stopwatch. Encourage your children to time commercials during a half hour show. Talk about what is being sold in those commercials.

* Ask everyone in the family to give up one show. Talk about what show you will give up, and how you will use that time. Keep track for one month. See if you really miss the TV show.

These ideas can also apply to computer games and too much Internet use.

Helping Your Child Select Courses

It is important to remember that the courses children take in early grades may effect their options later. For example, in order to enroll in many senior level courses like English 12 and Math 12, students must be enrolled in the right courses in earlier grades.

Parents have a right to know what courses their children are taking. They should also be informed before there are any changes in those courses.

Course selection is very important. Students must take a number of specific courses in order to receive a Dogwood Diploma. Parents should find out whether their children are taking those courses. If students are not taking the required courses, they may receive the British Columbia School Completion Certificate instead of the Dogwood.

But remember …many post-secondary programs require the Dogwood Diploma for entrance, and will not accept the School Completion Certificate.

It is also important to know if your child is on a modified program. Students on a modified program will graduate with School Completion Certificate, not the Dogwood. This may affect their future educational opportunities.

If you have questions about the courses your child is taking, talk to the school counselor or teacher. Ask whether your child will be eligible for senior level courses later. Find out whether your child will be graduating with the Dogwood Diploma.

You may also want to talk to a counselor or teacher about help with career planning. May jobs require specific post-secondary programs. To enter those programs, specific courses are needed. Post-Secondary institutes will also consider students’ grades before accepting them. Parents should therefore always encourage their children to do their best and maintain the highest grade point average they can.

It is important that students find out early what courses they will need in order to get the further education they want. English 12 and Math 12 are two common requirements. Students should work toward those courses to allow them a range of options later.

A great deal of information is available to help parents and students with career planning. You may want to ask the school Principal, a teacher, or a counselor to help you in this area.

For people who have access to the Internet, the BC Ministry of Education provides a range of resources to help with career planning for their children. You may want to look at www.bced.gov.bc.ca/careers/planning for some ideas.

The First Nations Schools Association (FNSA) also published Career Planning: Choosing Courses to Keep Your Options Open to help with this task. Call the FNESC/FNSA at (604) 925-6087 if you would like a copy of those materials.

Preparing Children For Reading

Reading to your children, no matter what their age, is one of the most important things you can do. Showing then that you read is also key. Whether you are chatting, pointing out signs as you drive, reading a menu, or reading the grocery list, it is important for your child to see the importance of reading.

There are also games and activities that you can do at home with your preschoolers and early elementary children that promote reading.

Do jigsaw puzzles. Children will learn to look at shapes and see where pieces fit, just as they will later learn to recognize words by their shapes.

Play memory games

Use six pairs of playing cards. Turn them face down on a table, and then turn two up, trying to discover pairs.

Talk about the sequence of your child’s day, asking what she did first, second and so on.

Ask your child to put away five grocery items. When done, ask him to name the five things that he put away.

Put 5 to 10 items on the kitchen table. Allow your child to look at them for 30 seconds. Then get your child to turn around. Remove one of them. Does your child know which one? Or cover the items and ask your child to name as many as he can.


Give your child a box of five or ten buttons. Ask her to put them into families, using categories such as size, color, number of holes, and rough or smooth edge. This can be done with nuts, crayons, paper clips, etc.

Write the work “animal” at the top of a page. Ask your child to name as many animals as he can, while you write them down. Look at the list and put them into families, such as big or small, domestic or wild, fur or feathers, etc.

When going on walks, look at categories of things, such as things made of cement, things made of wood, things that are blue, animals, plants, etc.

Create patterns

Arrange toothpicks in a specific pattern and then ask you child to copy your pattern. Next let your child create a pattern and you copy it.

Thread beads on a string in a specific pattern. Then encourage your child to copy your pattern.

Use nesting blocks or varying lengths of paper towel rolls. Get your child to put them in order from longest to shortest.

Read Anything

Reading anything with your child is useful – store signs, food labels, traffic signs …Talk with your child

Ask her what she learned today.

Talk about your own day, including
good and bad parts.

Talk about your upcoming day, showing
your child that you plan things in an orderly fashion.

Play Junior Scrabble

Rule of Thumb

* Have your child read one page of a book aloud and have him hold up one finger each time he does not know a word. If he holds up all of the fingers on one hand before the end of the page, the book is probably too hard for him to read alone.

Confidence is the Key to Success

§ Every child learns differently. Don’t compare your child to others.
§ Be your child’s cheerleader and advocate
§ Focus on the positive.
§ Avoid boring drills.
§ Discuss any concerns your child has about school.
§ Have your child’s eyesight and hearing tested.

Tips For Reading With Your Child at Home-
Pause, Prompt and Praise

If your child makes a mistake or gets muddled while reading with you at home …

… pause …

Let your child try to solve the problem alone. If she still can’t read the word, then …

… prompt …

by saying …
“Try that again.” or “Read to the end of the sentence. What word makes sense?”

If your child loses the meaning while reading, stop and say …
“Listen to what you said. Does that sound right? Did that make sense?”

After two unsuccessful tries, give your child the correct word. And remember …

Always praise your child.

Different Ways to Read With Your Child

§ Read a Book to Your Child. Children learn well from being read to. Re-reading favorite books over and over helps them to recognize letters and sentences.

§ Read Together in Unison. You can read together, like you are singing. Reading in unison helps when your child wants to read a book that is too hard.

§ Take Turns Reading the Same Passage to Each Other. Read together, using a "my turn, your turn" process. Relax – memorizing is the beginning of the reading process for younger children.
Avoid Power Struggles

It’s o.k. to stop reading if it is too hard one night. BUT … Try again tomorrow.
§ Read Silently First, Then Out Loud.

Or … your child may simply read to you.

Use whatever method works!!
Helping Children Learn to Write

Why is writing important?

§ Writing helps us discover new ways of thinking.

§ Writing shows us what we know, and helps us learn at the same time.

§ Writing organizes and extends our thinking.

§ Writing is important for most jobs and for life skills.

§ Writing can be a creative and satisfying activity.

§ Writing helps us to become better readers.

How can I help my child become a better writer?

Encourage writing outside of school assignments.

Find purposes for writing, such as thank you letters to relatives, birthday party invitations, letters to the editor, and writing contests for kids.

Consider writing as gifts. Children can give greeting cards or handmade books.

Give your child an attractive Journal or Diary of his own.

Write with your child and show or read your writing to her.

Realize that writing is not something that is done all at once.

§ Writing is developed slowly over time.

§ All writers address aspects of their writing in stages.

Arithmetic For Young Children

Put up a calendar and check off each day. Record the weather. Draw a sun, cloud, raindrop, kite (for windy), or a snowflake.

Say the days of the week and months of the year whenever possible.

Count the cups on the table, the windows in the bedroom, or the chairs around the table. Take any opportunity to count things around the house.

Give your child an opportunity to help set the table. Talk about how each person gets the same set of things – a fork, knife, spoon, plate, cup, etc. Some children enjoy making a placemat out of a sheet of paper and tracing the plate, glasses and cutlery so they know where each item goes.

As you help your child get dressed, count the buttons as they are done up. Talk about the matched socks, and one sock for each foot, and one shoe for each foot.

Arrange the shoes in a closet from smallest to largest. Is anything else at home arranged from smallest to largest?

Look for patterns in your home. Check out floor tiles, ceiling tiles, wallpaper, or clothes. Make a pattern using blocks in a row or beads on a string. See if your child can copy it. Start with three or four items and then add more. Let your child make a pattern and see if you can copy it.

Bake with your child. First read through the recipe and get all the ingredients out on the counter. Talk about measurement. Let your child measure out one teaspoon or tablespoon, one half, or one-quarter cup. Let her sift and stir.

Sometimes when your child is skipping or throwing or bouncing the ball, count our loud how many times.

Play board games with your child.

Teach and play simple card games such as Fish, Snap, and Old Maid.

When driving in the car, look for, talk about, or count different shaped signs, buildings, clouds, or cars. Some children like to take a pad of paper and divide a sheet into two columns. They make a tick for each red car or blue car. At the end of specified time period, they can add them up.


Kiti K'Shan PAC has adopted this Handbook from one used by the GW Carlson PAC in SD#81 produced by First Nations Education Steering Committee. Thank you to both groups for putting together a great resource for parents!

We would like to acknowledge several resources that were used in the preparation of this handbook, including the following:

√ British Columbia Association for Community Living. 1999. Inclusive Education. A Parent Handbook. Vancouver, BC.

√ Dinkmeyer, Sr., D., G. D. McKay, and D. Dinkmeyer, Jr. 1997. The Parent’s Handbook. Systematic Training for Effective Parenting.

√ The First Nations Schools Association. 1999. First Nations Schools: Reflecting Communities Through Governance Structures, Parental Involvement Programs, and School Calendars.

√ The One to One Children’s Literacy Program. 2000. Stress Free Reading At Home. A Handbook for Parents.