Tuesday, May 26, 2009

April PAC Minutes

Kiti K’Shan School
Parent Advisory Committee

Monthly Meeting Minutes April 29, 2009

1. Introduction: Meeting commenced at 6:30 pm. (In attendance: Joe Vidal, Maxine Champion, Laurie Mutschke, Kathleen and Summer Schulte, Roylene Richey and Nita Back.)

2. Adoption of Agenda: Kathleen motioned to adopt the agenda. Laurie seconded. The motion was carried.

3. Regrets: Josianne Biggs

4. Secretary’s Report: Kathleen motioned to adopt the February minutes. Nita seconded. The motion was carried.

5. Treasurer’s Report: No review of financial report. Need to ask Connie if the Trees for Tomorrow Grant has actually been deposited.

6. DPAC Report:

A. Laurie Mutschke (Kiti K’Shan) is Co-chair. Laurie gave a brief update of bylaws and constitutions.
B. Next meeting is May 6 @ 6pm and anyone is welcome to attend these meetings.
C. Laurie strongly encourages Kiti K’Shan to have a DPAC representative next year.

7. Old Business:

A. Kiti K’Shan did receive The Trees for Tomorrow grant. Further notification will be sent out as to how and when the money will be spent.
B. We did not get the playground grant.
C. Garden Club – community members are interested in helping with our gardens. The teachers have the pots and seeds. Ana is organizing work bees to get started on the vegetable and flower beds.

8. New Business:

A. Roylene motioned for the PAC to buy a $50 gift card from Sight & Sound for Mr. Bruce (CHES PAC to buy for Mr. McDicken) to thank them for their hard work at the Music Festival. Kathleen seconded. The motion was carried. Simone Snyder will purchase the gifts to be given out at an upcoming assembly.
B. Cassie Hall PAC has requested a meeting with the Kiti K’Shan’s PAC to discuss reconfiguration details. Laurie will send out an email with date and time.
C. Run for Fun is underway and going very well.
D. Sports/fun Day – PAC is looking at donating money towards buying t-shirts for the students.

9. Principal’s Report:
A. Discussed the procession of the K-7 CH (English) and K-7 KKS (French immersion).
B. Ready, Set, Learn Activity is scheduled for Wednesday, May 27th from 6:30 to 8 p.m.
C. Discussed end of year activities, ie. Sports Day, Annual Grade 3 trip, End of Year Assembly

Meeting adjourned 8:00. Next meeting May 27, 2009.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Work Bees

Kiti K’Shan PAC Garden Club
Upcoming Work Bees

Saturday May 9th – 10:00am – 11:00am
(Flower Garden adjacent to the front parking lot)

Saturday May 23rd – 10:00am – 11:00am
(Vegetable Garden next to the stairs on the side of the school)

Please bring work gloves and garden tools (if you have them)
Parents – also feel free to come and work on either the flower bed or the vegetable garden anytime you have available.
For more information please visit: www.kkspac.blogspot.com
or call Ana @ 635-7903
Kiti K’Shan was also the successful recipient of a Trees for Tomorrow grant of $11,500. There are four main areas of the school grounds that will be planted with new trees. The entire school community is encouraged to come participate in the planting of this new urban forest. We will be sending out information on dates, times & how the students and parents will be able to participate in the upcoming months. To see a copy of the grant and the proposed developments, please contact the front office of Kiti K’Shan