Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Ecole Mountainview PAC April 18 2012 7:00PM
In Attendance:  Terri B, Kathleen S, Nita B, Maxine C, Tracey F
Adoption of February meeting minutes
Discussion of decision re: Reilly Kluss request.
Crepe and french toast lunch will be May 25th.
We would like to hold a school dance in June. K - 4 at lunchtime, 5 - 7 after school, we may invite other schools.  Water, fruit, popsicles, popcorn with no salt seasonings discussed for canteen.  Lights, balloons, music all discussed.  We  need to pick a date.  Maxine will talk to the teachers and see what they think.

Financial report:  
Gaming account holds $13 000., General chequing holds $8 000.
No receipts have been received as yet from the teachers re: $100.00 stipend.

Principals Report:
CPF arranged for a french author to visit the Gr 4 - 7 students.  There were 3 sessions with associated swag, students enjoyed very much.
Bas Quivers coming on Friday from Haida Gwaii for history of music, brass instrument, comedy and theatre presentation.  Jack Cook will be joining.
7 classes for next year, 2 full K and fairly full classes.
Staffing can be set after May 13.
No one from our school will be attending Concourse.
Report cards going home April 30, two short days for teacher meetings.
T shirts are in the works for students going to Skeena next year, our PAC will contribute funds.
The grade ⅚ class are participating in the Dare program.  It is a 10 week program with a graduation.  PAC will sponsor the cake.

We are waiting to hear from the mural artist for the school murals.  Budget is $2 000.00.
Benches will be ordered, two backless one with a back.  Budget is $4 000.00.
Electronic reader board will be ordered from Silvertip based on the quote in hand.  We will get a quote for the installation.
Funding for school garden approved.  
Outside hockey equipment being considered.

Meeting adjourned:  8:30
Next meeting:  June 20 @ 7:00PM