Ecole Mountainview PAC
May 16 2012 7:00 PM
In Attendance: Terry, Rebecca, Tara, Maxine, Tracey
Adoption of May meeting minutes
Chairperson’s Report:
-French toast and crepe lunch to be held May 25th. Will modify menu as necessary to accommodate any allergies. Menu includes crepes, french toast, berries, melon, bananas and yogurt and maple syrup. Griddles and misc supplies will be brought by parent volunteers.
-The school dance will be Thursday the 7th. K-4 at lunch break and 5 - 7 after school. Free canteen will serve popcorn, freezies and water.
-The DQ lunch make up for having missed during spring break will be Thursday the 31st.
Treasurer’s Report:
-General Account: $5 094.51
-Gaming Account: $13 843.24
Sign: Has been ordered from Silvertip, as per quote. Deopsit of $3 100.00 paid. Quote still required for installation.
Benches: On order from Swingtime in Vancouver. They will be shipped once we know who will be installing. We may try to piggyback our shipment along with equipment orders from other schools if possible to share shipping costs.
Murals: On hold at present as we have not heard back from the artist. Table until meeting in September. Tara will talk to someone at the Arts Council to see if there is someone else.
Principals Report:
-First Canada still needs to be paid for the bussing for the Christmas Concert.
-Sports Day will be a little different this year. 6/7 leaders will organize and direct events with the help of the teachers. Groups organized into “colours” will be comprised of students from all grades. PAC will organize the canteen, menu will include hot dogs, freezies, watermelon, baked chips, water, fruit and veg trays. Every student will receive a hot dog and freezie free. All other items will be available for purchase.
-PAC will purchase the sports day ribbons.
-June 26th will be the last day of school.
Meeting Adjourned: 9:15
Next Meeting: June 19th @ 7:00 PM