Ecole Mountainview PAC
October 17, 2012
Present: Maxine, Terri, Barb, Nita, Lori, Tracey
Minutes by Tracey
-Adoption of June meeting minutes motioned and accepted
-We need more volunteers!
Positions filled by acclamation:
Chairperson: Terri
Secretary: Tracey
Scholastic Rep: Nita
Positions required to be filled:
Vice Chairperson
Other important positions:
Lunch Program Co-ordinator
Fundraising Co-ordinator
School Planning Rep
In the past, the PAC has supported the school through:
Classroom boxes for sports equipment, PAC refrigerator and freezer, school dance, crepe/french toast meal, lunch program, milk program, Scholastic program, electronic reader board, playground equipment and benches, sports day canteen and benches, Christmas Concert bussing
Going forward, the projects still left are the school murals and garden boxes
Table until next meeting:
-Elections, provided more people come out
-Bylaw signing, as above
-Provided we have more meetings past November we will continue with 3rd Wednesdays
-School concert money request
Book Fair: November 28th or 29th
President’s Report:
-There are 151 students enrolled
-The open house went well, next year the start time will be closer to dismissal time
-The students enjoyed the Terry Fox run, but only $79 was raised
-Spontaneous french will be the focus of Community Interaction Day. Conversation will support reading comprehension.
-Mme Ewald is the Literacy Support Worker and Fine Arts teacher
-Terry Davies is the First Nations Support worker
-Mme Seguin and Mr Gearey”s classes attended the Opera at the REM Lee.
-Code of conduct to soon go home, it applies to everyone, staff, students and families.
-Attended race training, anti bullying and anti violence workshop.
-Pro D day Friday Oct 19
-Movie night the 26th of October
-There is a bin of french movies available to borrow in the office
-The electronic sign will be up and running next week
-Photo retakes November 9
-Fire drill held under 3 minutes. There is congestion exiting the south end exit.
-Earthquake drill Thursday Oct 18
-Volleyball starts next week, Tues and Thurs. Thanks to Mme Stewart and Mr Peden for coaching
-We have two noon hour supervisors, one more to be hired
-The G3 class is raising salmon this year.
Next meeting: Weds Nov 21
**This will be the last meeting if there are no more volunteers**