Thursday, September 4, 2008

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to another great school year at Kiti K'Shan Primary!

This year promises to be filled with fun and activity for all the students.

The Kiti K'Shan PAC holds an Annual General Meeting each Fall to elect a new executive. The role of the executive is to guide the PAC for the school year ensuring that the goals and needs of the school are met. Each parent at the school is a member of the PAC and the direction that PAC takes comes from the membership.

The AGM not only has elections, but a lot of the planning of events & activities as well as discussions regarding issues in education that parents should be aware of, take place.

If you would like your voice heard at the PAC level, we encourage you to attend the AGM and help Kiti K'Shan be a great place for all of our children to learn!

Kiti K' Shan PAC
Annual General Meeting
Date: September 24th, 2008
Time: 6:30pm
Location: Kiti K' Shan Staff room

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