Kiti K’Shan School
Parent Advisory Committee
Monthly Meeting Minutes November 26, 2008
1. Meeting commenced at 6:30 pm (In attendance: Joe Vidal, Roylene Richey, Nita Back, Kathleen Schulte, Ana Peasgood, and Valerie Neifer)
2. Kathleen motioned to adopt the agenda. Nita seconded. The motion was carried.
3. Regrets: Laurie Mutschke and Connie Yasinchuk
4. Kathleen motioned to adopt the September minutes. Nita seconded. The motion was carried.
5. Treasurer’s Report :
A. Kathleen reviewed treasurer’s report on Connie’s behalf. Reported that there is $5,965.54.00 in account ($4,588.22 from the gaming account and $1,377.32 in regular PAC funds).
6. Kathleen reviewed the highlights from the Board of Education meeting held November 12
7. DPAC Report
A. Tanya Ballinger has resigned from being DPAC representative.
B. Due to poor turn out at current PAC meeting, we will vote on a new DPAC representative next meeting after requests for volunteers are put out in next newsletter.
8. Old Business:
A. Milk Program – The Halloween milk day was a success. There were lots of orders and it all ran smoothly with no problems, even with the short notice and time frame. Roylene and Kathleen want to send out pre order forms by first week of December to set up program in January. Students will be able to order monthly or daily at a cost of $1.00 for a small milk. It will be delivered every Wednesday (Valerie offered to help with deliveries). Kathleen suggested ideas for promoting milk program, for example class poster contests and random sticker games.
B. Fruit and Vegetable Snack Program - we are going to look into having some older children help with delivery of the produce as well as the milk. Jennifer Lindstrom has offered to help with this program.
9. New Business:
A. Carnival in January – Volunteers are needed to help on January 14 & 15 – contact Roylene Richie or Simone Snyder. We should put up a volunteer sign up sheet and Carnival schedule outside the office. Some new ideas were discussed for carnival this year – possibly having a sled dog team demonstration, each student to make their own Bonhomme picture frame keepsake, musical Bonhomme (similar to musical chairs). Valerie is to order some new posters for Carnival.
B. Charitable Project – Kathleen suggested having the students make some decorations or cards and PAC donating money to the Chapman family and the young boy in Kitimat who was in last weeks paper. Mr. Vidal said the school would support that and help with a donation.
C. Christmas Concert – It will be on December 8th at 1:00.
D. Discussed end of year keepsakes for Grade 3 students. T-shirts with students signatures and the Kiti K’Shan logo were suggested.
6. Principal’s Report:
A. Gave PAC grant applications - Ana took the Trees for Tomorrow grant and Kathleen the playground grant.
B. Discussed budget update.
C. Requested volunteer help for carnival.
D. Discussed the importance of giving teachers plenty of time to prepare homework for students that are away.
7. Meeting adjourned 8:00. Next meeting January 28, 2009.
Parent Advisory Committee
Monthly Meeting Minutes November 26, 2008
1. Meeting commenced at 6:30 pm (In attendance: Joe Vidal, Roylene Richey, Nita Back, Kathleen Schulte, Ana Peasgood, and Valerie Neifer)
2. Kathleen motioned to adopt the agenda. Nita seconded. The motion was carried.
3. Regrets: Laurie Mutschke and Connie Yasinchuk
4. Kathleen motioned to adopt the September minutes. Nita seconded. The motion was carried.
5. Treasurer’s Report :
A. Kathleen reviewed treasurer’s report on Connie’s behalf. Reported that there is $5,965.54.00 in account ($4,588.22 from the gaming account and $1,377.32 in regular PAC funds).
6. Kathleen reviewed the highlights from the Board of Education meeting held November 12
7. DPAC Report
A. Tanya Ballinger has resigned from being DPAC representative.
B. Due to poor turn out at current PAC meeting, we will vote on a new DPAC representative next meeting after requests for volunteers are put out in next newsletter.
8. Old Business:
A. Milk Program – The Halloween milk day was a success. There were lots of orders and it all ran smoothly with no problems, even with the short notice and time frame. Roylene and Kathleen want to send out pre order forms by first week of December to set up program in January. Students will be able to order monthly or daily at a cost of $1.00 for a small milk. It will be delivered every Wednesday (Valerie offered to help with deliveries). Kathleen suggested ideas for promoting milk program, for example class poster contests and random sticker games.
B. Fruit and Vegetable Snack Program - we are going to look into having some older children help with delivery of the produce as well as the milk. Jennifer Lindstrom has offered to help with this program.
9. New Business:
A. Carnival in January – Volunteers are needed to help on January 14 & 15 – contact Roylene Richie or Simone Snyder. We should put up a volunteer sign up sheet and Carnival schedule outside the office. Some new ideas were discussed for carnival this year – possibly having a sled dog team demonstration, each student to make their own Bonhomme picture frame keepsake, musical Bonhomme (similar to musical chairs). Valerie is to order some new posters for Carnival.
B. Charitable Project – Kathleen suggested having the students make some decorations or cards and PAC donating money to the Chapman family and the young boy in Kitimat who was in last weeks paper. Mr. Vidal said the school would support that and help with a donation.
C. Christmas Concert – It will be on December 8th at 1:00.
D. Discussed end of year keepsakes for Grade 3 students. T-shirts with students signatures and the Kiti K’Shan logo were suggested.
6. Principal’s Report:
A. Gave PAC grant applications - Ana took the Trees for Tomorrow grant and Kathleen the playground grant.
B. Discussed budget update.
C. Requested volunteer help for carnival.
D. Discussed the importance of giving teachers plenty of time to prepare homework for students that are away.
7. Meeting adjourned 8:00. Next meeting January 28, 2009.
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