Saturday, April 30, 2011


APRIL 20, 2011
In attendance: Lorelle Walker-Kluss, Terri Bowles, Maxine Champion, Nita Back, Ginny Kenmuir, Tara Salavich, Ana Peasgood
Minutes taken by: Nita Back

Secretary Report: Motion made to accept the March minutes. MSC.

Treasurer Report: Terri gave current account numbers, $6,455.50 in the General account and $8,403.42 in the Gaming account.
-Gaming grant was applied for by Nita, we were awarded it, but there was a mix up with our account numbers and we haven’t yet received the money. Nita will phone the Gaming branch. Nita will apply for gaming grant ASAP for next school year.

Hot Lunch Report: There will be no replacement for the Boston Pizza order that was late. The students did receive pizza that day only they had to eat late.
-Next month a local caterer will be coming to the meeting to give a short presentation.

Fundraising Report: The last scrapbooking crop is on May 14th from 10am – 6pm. It is a parent and child class.
-Ana will buy a thank you card and gift certificate for $75 for Tracey Hoffos.

Scholastic Book Orders: Orders are going well. $753.39 has been made in bonus books to date, including 15 books for the library and 30 books for the classrooms.

New Business: Each class received their classroom equipment and it has been great. Each class has its own colour equipment to help keep them organized. The equipment cost $477 in total.

Old Business: The playground installation has started this week.

Principals Report: Maxine asked if we’d be interested in purchasing EMV t-shirts for the track and field team. This was postponed to the next meeting.

Adjournment 7:30pm

Next Meeting: May 18th @ 6:30pm

No CPF meeting tonight due to the CPF/EMV Open House.

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