Saturday, October 8, 2011

2011-12 AGM Minutes


OCTOBER 5 2011


In attendance: Terri Bowles, Maxine Champion, Lorelle Walker-Kluss, Nita Back


Minutes taken by: Nita Back

Chairperson Report:
- Lorelle gave out a copy of the constitution for everyone to look over. She will amend Section VII Quorum & Voting, Part A Quorum to say that 3 executive members are needed to constitute a quorum. Terri will bring the new constitution to the next meeting for the new executive to sign.

-Discussion regarding electronic display board. Lorelle to bring in cost estimates to next meeting.

-Discussion regarding the parking issues at the school. There is concern about people parking on the East side of Bailey Street, in that it makes it too narrow to drive through safely. Maxine will check with the city what the laws are for parking.

-The meeting night schedule will wait til next month when new executive is present.

Treasurer Report:
- Terri presented the bank balances.

-She would like to look into purchasing a net book and simply accounting.

Fundraising Report: - First scrapbooking crop is organized.
-Decided to not do any further fundraising until a goal is decided upon.

Principals Report:
-Maxine is to clarify the peanut free policy for the school.

-Discussion of the bus situation. There are 84 students registered to take bus and 66 (three to a seat) are able to ride. The school district will not give us another bus.

-Maxine will look into the benches that we were supposed to receive from Kiti K’Shan or the cost of new ones for the playground.

New Business:
-Rosemarie Goodwin came as the union representative for the teachers in the school to answer any questions parents had regarding the strike. This is phase 1 of a legal strike jointly decided between the teachers and their employers. She said teachers are still evaluating the student’s, but if the strikes continue there will be no formal report cards given out.

-Terri is going to write a letter to the parents stating that we need volunteers for the PAC or it will have to fold.

Executive Elections:

Executive for 2011/2012:

Chairperson: Terri Bowles

Vice- Chairperson:

Secretary: Tara Salavich

Treasurer: Kathleen Simms

Hot Lunch Coordinator:

Fundraising Coordinators:

Still Looking for people to volunteer:

DPAC (District) Rep:

SPC (School Planning Council) Rep- SECRET BALLOT


Next meeting October 19th, 2011 at 7:00pm

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