Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Ecole Mountainview PAC

October 17, 2012

Present: Maxine, Terri, Barb, Nita, Lori, Tracey
Minutes by Tracey

-Adoption of June meeting minutes motioned and accepted
-We need more volunteers!

Positions filled by acclamation:
Chairperson: Terri
Secretary: Tracey
Scholastic Rep: Nita

Positions required to be filled:
Vice Chairperson

Other important positions:
Lunch Program Co-ordinator
Fundraising Co-ordinator
School Planning Rep

In the past, the PAC has supported the school through:

Classroom boxes for sports equipment, PAC refrigerator and freezer, school dance, crepe/french toast meal, lunch program, milk program, Scholastic program, electronic reader board, playground equipment and benches, sports day canteen and benches, Christmas Concert bussing
Going forward, the projects still left are the school murals and garden boxes

Table until next meeting:

-Elections, provided more people come out
-Bylaw signing, as above
-Provided we have more meetings past November we will continue with 3rd Wednesdays
-School concert money request

Book Fair: November 28th or 29th

President’s Report:

-There are 151 students enrolled
-The open house went well, next year the start time will be closer to dismissal time
-The students enjoyed the Terry Fox run, but only $79 was raised
-Spontaneous french will be the focus of Community Interaction Day. Conversation will support reading comprehension.
-Mme Ewald is the Literacy Support Worker and Fine Arts teacher
-Terry Davies is the First Nations Support worker
-Mme Seguin and Mr Gearey”s classes attended the Opera at the REM Lee.
-Code of conduct to soon go home, it applies to everyone, staff, students and families.
-Attended race training, anti bullying and anti violence workshop.
-Pro D day Friday Oct 19
-Movie night the 26th of October
-There is a bin of french movies available to borrow in the office
-The electronic sign will be up and running next week
-Photo retakes November 9
-Fire drill held under 3 minutes. There is congestion exiting the south end exit.
-Earthquake drill Thursday Oct 18
-Volleyball starts next week, Tues and Thurs. Thanks to Mme Stewart and Mr Peden for coaching
-We have two noon hour supervisors, one more to be hired
-The G3 class is raising salmon this year.

Next meeting: Weds Nov 21

**This will be the last meeting if there are no more volunteers**

Monday, October 1, 2012

Have you ever wondered just what the PAC does?  Well, come to a meeting!  Being involved with the PAC does not have to be a huge commitment of time or energy.  It does not mean you will have to do a bunch of stuff you do not want to do.  It does not need to conflict with your work schedule or intrude on your family time.
It is a great way to know what is going on with your child's school.  It is an opportunity to meet other parents and stay in touch with those that you already know but do not get to see very often.  Any contribution you can make is fantastic.  Not only is it helpful to the other parents on the PAC, but it also benefits all of the students as well as the staff.

One thing you may not know is that we require a certain number of parents on the PAC for our school to have a PAC.  Without a PAC, many of the fun things that the students look forward to will not happen.  The PAC receives funding that we use to pay for extra things like busing for the kids to the Christmas concert, the school dance and the french toast breakfast.  PAC funding is also used for bigger purchases such as playground equipment, the school murals we will hopefully see soon, and the electronic reader board that will, hopefully, also be up soon.

At Ecole Mountainview we are so lucky to have such a great staff as well as the CPF working hard to enrich our children's education.  The PAC works towards the "extras" that are specific to our school, projects that benefit our school but are not necessarily curriculum or education based.
The PAC AGM is coming up mid October, Wednesday the 17th.  It would be really great for those of us returning from last year (I think there are two of us, not enough to actually have a PAC)  to see a big turn out.  Honestly, even if you cannot commit to coming to all the meetings, even if you can only come to this one, we would love to see you.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Ecole Mountainview PAC

June 20 2012 7:00 PM

In Attendance: Terry, Tracey, Maxine

Adoption of May meeting minutes

Chairperson’s/Treasurer’s Report:

-The teachers have the stipend letters, but only 4 of the 8 have yet turned in receipts. We expect to get a few more before the end of the school year.

-Bank statement not current at this time.

-On Thursday the G 6 & 7 classes will attend “Rendez-vous” at Skeena.

-The Yearbook committee has requested funding, we have approved.

-We are still waiting on installation prices for the benches and the reader board.

-Tara found the name of another artist for the murals. Maxine will try to make contact to get the ball rolling.

Crepe/french Toast Lunch Review:

-We are glad to have tried this new event, we would like to do it again next year but will need more volunteers, specifically for serving.

School Dance Review:

-We would like to do it again next year as well, K-3 at lunch time again, with a snack handed out at the end when they are on their way back to class.

-After school for 4-6 with a healthy snacks (fruit/veg trays)available from the canteen throughout the dance.

-Music was an issue.

-Sportsday Review:

-Hotdogs were a hit, cooking was relatively smooth, very little left from the canteen.

-Set up should be different in future to deal with congestion. More than one table, maybe serve outside as well weather permitting.

-The kids had fun, enjoyed the new format.

Meeting adjourned: 8:00

Next meeting: AGM in September

Have a great summer

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Ecole Mountainview PAC

May 16 2012 7:00 PM

In Attendance: Terry, Rebecca, Tara, Maxine, Tracey

Adoption of May meeting minutes

Chairperson’s Report:

-French toast and crepe lunch to be held May 25th. Will modify menu as necessary to accommodate any allergies. Menu includes crepes, french toast, berries, melon, bananas and yogurt and maple syrup. Griddles and misc supplies will be brought by parent volunteers.

-The school dance will be Thursday the 7th. K-4 at lunch break and 5 - 7 after school. Free canteen will serve popcorn, freezies and water.

-The DQ lunch make up for having missed during spring break will be Thursday the 31st.

Treasurer’s Report:

-General Account: $5 094.51

-Gaming Account: $13 843.24

Sign: Has been ordered from Silvertip, as per quote. Deopsit of $3 100.00 paid. Quote still required for installation.

Benches: On order from Swingtime in Vancouver. They will be shipped once we know who will be installing. We may try to piggyback our shipment along with equipment orders from other schools if possible to share shipping costs.

Murals: On hold at present as we have not heard back from the artist. Table until meeting in September. Tara will talk to someone at the Arts Council to see if there is someone else.

Principals Report:

-First Canada still needs to be paid for the bussing for the Christmas Concert.

-Sports Day will be a little different this year. 6/7 leaders will organize and direct events with the help of the teachers. Groups organized into “colours” will be comprised of students from all grades. PAC will organize the canteen, menu will include hot dogs, freezies, watermelon, baked chips, water, fruit and veg trays. Every student will receive a hot dog and freezie free. All other items will be available for purchase.

-PAC will purchase the sports day ribbons.

-June 26th will be the last day of school.

Meeting Adjourned: 9:15

Next Meeting: June 19th @ 7:00 PM

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Ecole Mountainview PAC April 18 2012 7:00PM
In Attendance:  Terri B, Kathleen S, Nita B, Maxine C, Tracey F
Adoption of February meeting minutes
Discussion of decision re: Reilly Kluss request.
Crepe and french toast lunch will be May 25th.
We would like to hold a school dance in June. K - 4 at lunchtime, 5 - 7 after school, we may invite other schools.  Water, fruit, popsicles, popcorn with no salt seasonings discussed for canteen.  Lights, balloons, music all discussed.  We  need to pick a date.  Maxine will talk to the teachers and see what they think.

Financial report:  
Gaming account holds $13 000., General chequing holds $8 000.
No receipts have been received as yet from the teachers re: $100.00 stipend.

Principals Report:
CPF arranged for a french author to visit the Gr 4 - 7 students.  There were 3 sessions with associated swag, students enjoyed very much.
Bas Quivers coming on Friday from Haida Gwaii for history of music, brass instrument, comedy and theatre presentation.  Jack Cook will be joining.
7 classes for next year, 2 full K and fairly full classes.
Staffing can be set after May 13.
No one from our school will be attending Concourse.
Report cards going home April 30, two short days for teacher meetings.
T shirts are in the works for students going to Skeena next year, our PAC will contribute funds.
The grade ⅚ class are participating in the Dare program.  It is a 10 week program with a graduation.  PAC will sponsor the cake.

We are waiting to hear from the mural artist for the school murals.  Budget is $2 000.00.
Benches will be ordered, two backless one with a back.  Budget is $4 000.00.
Electronic reader board will be ordered from Silvertip based on the quote in hand.  We will get a quote for the installation.
Funding for school garden approved.  
Outside hockey equipment being considered.

Meeting adjourned:  8:30
Next meeting:  June 20 @ 7:00PM

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Ecole Mountainview PAC

February 15, 2012, 7:00 PM
In Attendance: Tara S, Terri B, Maxine M, Stephanie L, Margo Z, David B

Minutes by Tracey
-Middle School Presention by Phillip Baron and Corey Killoran

*See Coast Mountain School District website for middle school information.
-Adoption of last meeting minutes, motioned and accepted.

-Letters have gone out to the teachers regarding $100 stipend.
-Discussion regarding benches, murals, and reader board tabled until next meeting when we will make a final decision.

-Discussion of letter from Reilley Kluss requesting a donation. A letter of declinement will be sent. CPF is already giving a donation and, from what is stated in the letter, the request does not seem to fit our demographic or mandate.

-Financial Report: reviewed Balance Sheet and Income Statement.

-Discussion of suggestion to purchase shorts for sports teams.

-Discussion of request for funds for school garden.

Meeting Adjourned: 8:30

Next Meeting: Wednesday April 18 @ 7:00 PM

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Minutes PAC Meeting January 2012

Attendance: Maxine Champion, Rebecca Costain, Kathleen Simms, Terri Bowles, Tara Salavich and guest speaker Catherine Chapman from Northern Health.

Financial report given by Kathleen, followed by discussion about hot lunch revenue.

Catherine Chapman, Public Health Nurse from Northern Health, gave presentation on the use of an Epi-pen and peanut allergies. A model Epi-pen was handed around for everyone to test.

Minutes from last meeting in November were found and read aloud. Motion to accept minutes adopted by Terri and seconded by Kathleen.

Old Business:

Discussed murals that are to be painted on the ends of the school. Kathleen talked to Kyle Long, who agreed to the project . Start date sometime in April. Kyle is to have a meeting with Maxine about the project.

Terri to write teacher appreciation letters.

Chairman's Report:

Handouts from Adtronics were passed around for outside sign. Both Thornhill Junior and Skeena Junior have purchased their signs from Adtronics. Sign to be located at Kindergarten end of school. There are options to pay outright or to lease, however the uncertainty of Bingo Funds would make leasing difficult. Terri will contact Silvertip for another quote. PAC will pay School District for installation costs. Overall price of sign around $9000. Decision on spending that much money has been tabled to a later date.

Discussed benches for around playground as another option for spending the Gaming Funds. Need to purchase these by the end of the fiscal year (July 31st).

Scholastic Report:

$3114.39 in books have been purchased by parents which gives the school $908.09 in bonus coupons. Currently the electronic bonus bank has a balance of $461. The recent January order totalled $382.50.

Principal Report:

Carnival begins next week. It is a one day event instead of the traditional week long event. Still looking for parent volunteers to help out with activities. Some activities included sugar cube castle building, door decorating, tobogganing and snow shoeing and a visit by Bonhomme. The 6/7 class to help prep the Bonhomme photo frames.

Possible ski date for February 3rd, note to be sent out to parents.

Basketball begins next week. There will be no tournament this year.

FSA's are continuing.

Gumboots workshop February 16th, put on by CPF. Learn how to dance.

AFFNO DVD's are available to loan out to families until March 1st.

We no longer have a First Nations Support Worker for the school.

New Business:

Cold Weather Policy: there is no District policy, but up to the discretion of each principal.

Pancake lunch for the school: tabled until next meeting

Invite for PAC to shadow Skeena PAC so we can follow what is happening there. January 31st is their next meeting. Terri and Flo will attend as CPF representatives.

Next CPF meeting to be held at Skeena @ 7pm, January 24th. The transformation to a middle school will be discussed. Everyone welcome.

David Block, from City of Terrace, passed on grant information from Treecanada. Maxine passed info onto PAC.

Meeting adjourned @ 9:20pm.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Ecole Mountainview PAC

November 16, 2011, 7:00 PM

Present: Terry Bowles, Tara Salavich, Maxine Champion, Tracey Fell, Kathleen Simms, Nita Back &
Doug MacKenzie

Minutes by Tracey

-Adoption of October meeting minutes motioned and accepted.

-Constitution has been filed with the School District office.

-Motioned and accepted to not hold December meeting as meeting date would fall within the

Christmas Break.

-Biographies of the PAC executive for the bulletin board will be posted if they are emailed to

Tracey by Wednesday November 22.

-Tracey will look into taking over the PAC blog.

Scholastic Rep Report:

-November/December order is approximately $1000.00. Equates to credits of approximately


-We currently have approximately $700 in the credit bank. Mme Champion is working on

ordering books for the classrooms.

Treasurer’s Report:

-Lunch order deposit was over $3 000.

-Funds in the Gaming Account approximately $22 000.

-General Account holds over $7 500.00.

-We need to spend at least $12 000 of the gaming funds or we risk losing the money. We

require the benches for the playground area, and the reader board is on the wish list. We are

still in the process of procuring pricing for those items.

-A mural or two for the exterior North and South end walls are also on the wish list. Kathleen will

see if she can get a rough idea of costs.

Fundraising tabled to next meeting.

Principal’s Report:

-The Kindergarten and G1 classes have had to be reconfigured to meet school district average

requirements. The School District dictated this change.

-The G4 and perhaps the G5 class are booked for March for the DARE program.

-The Christmas concert is December 8 @ 10:30 am. Motion passed for PAC to pay for the

required busing.

-Report cards will be mailed to all students, will include only attendance records and administrator taught content.

-There is no guarantee that teachers will provide report cards.

-The teachers are only required to provide one hour per day for student teacher meetings.

-Lunch program starts tomorrow.

-There is a new program called Le Prix de Lion. It is to recognize socially responsible older students who are helping out the younger students. It is recognition from the supervisors.

-Mme Fortin will hopefully be here until the winter break begins, Mme Champion is in the process of reviewing resumes for her replacement.

-Discussion of the Teacher’s Appreciation event tabled as there is no new information.

-Signing officers need to see Janett Hansen at NSCU to complete the signing authority documents.

Lunch Program Report:

-The Milk program is proceeding without issue, although the rice milk is hard to find. The form has changed from last year but it is good.
-The Lunch program will be reviewed, it may be necessary to make changes to the frequency and/or the vendors for the next round.

-Volunteers are required for the CPF book fair November 30.

-The CPF familly dance also requires volunteers.

-Nita suggested providing the teachers with $100 each to use towards something extra that is rewarding for the students, to be used at the teachers discretion. Motioned and accepted, a letter will be sent out in January. The teachers will be reimbursed for the expenses once receipts are submitted.

-Purchase of hockey equipment for playground area tabled, discussion ensued.

-Motioned and accepted to provide Mme Begin up to $250 for props for the Christmas concert.

Next Meeting: January 18

Ecole Mountainview Pac

October 19, 2011, 7:00 PM

In Attendance: Terri Bowles, Tara Salavich, Maxine Champion, Kathleen Simms, Rebecca Onstein, Keri Giesbrecht, Crystal MacKenzie, Shelley Carpino, Tracey Fell

Minutes by Tara and Tracey

Adoption of AGM meeting minutes, motioned and accepted

President’s Report:

-Previously open positions have been filled

Secretary - Tracey Fell

Fundraising Co-ordinator - Shelley Carpino

School Planning Rep - Rebecca Onstien

DPAC Rep - position remains open

-Constitution and By-law change : three members required to reach quorum. Motion carried.

-Meetings will be held the third Wednesday of the month, excluding December (Christmas break) and March (Spring Break). Dates as follows:
November 16
January 18
February 15
April 18
May 16
June 20

-Council member biographies to be done for bulletin board and blog. Please submit to Terri by next week, photo and short write up.

-Motion for purchase of laptop, Simply Accounting and MSWord carried. To be used for all PAC business.

-We have gaming funds we need to spend or we run the risk of losing the money as the 3 year limit has been reached. Maxine will look into costs of benches for the playground area. We are awaiting costing on the outside reader board.

Scholastic Rep Report:

-Tara will run again, with help. The program was very successful last year . The format is different this year regarding how the book credits are allocated but the earning potential is similar.

Discussion regarding other fundraising programs run last year, lunch program, Crop, coffee/tea sales, and the raffle.

-The October Crop was cancelled, the first Crop will be: November 19th.

Principal’s Report:

-159 students are enrolled.

-First fire drill held recently.

-First earthquake drill to be held Thursday.

-We are a Peanut Aware school. Discussion ensued regarding seriousness of this issue in our school as we have a student with a life threatening allergy. We will work with our Health Nurse, Kathryn Chapman to do everything we can to increase awareness with both students and parents/caregivers.

-Code of conduct reviewed.

-RCMP to be contacted to see if we can participate in the DARE program.

-Bet Shopper software discussed, 6/7 class had presentation last year.

-Teacher appreciation discussed. May be CPF/PAC joint venture.

-Signing authorities: President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary for both General and Gaming accounts. Motion carried.

Next Meeting: November 16

The next general meeting of the Ecole Mountainview PAC will be held Wednesday February 15th at 7 pm in the school Library.  We will be joined by Skeena Junior Secondary Principal Phillip Baron and Vice Principal Corey Killoran.  Mark your calendars and bring your middle school questions.