Ecole Mountainview PAC
June 20 2012 7:00 PM
In Attendance: Terry, Tracey, Maxine
Adoption of May meeting minutes
Chairperson’s/Treasurer’s Report:
-The teachers have the stipend letters, but only 4 of the 8 have yet turned in receipts. We expect to get a few more before the end of the school year.
-Bank statement not current at this time.
-On Thursday the G 6 & 7 classes will attend “Rendez-vous” at Skeena.
-The Yearbook committee has requested funding, we have approved.
-We are still waiting on installation prices for the benches and the reader board.
-Tara found the name of another artist for the murals. Maxine will try to make contact to get the ball rolling.
Crepe/french Toast Lunch Review:
-We are glad to have tried this new event, we would like to do it again next year but will need more volunteers, specifically for serving.
School Dance Review:
-We would like to do it again next year as well, K-3 at lunch time again, with a snack handed out at the end when they are on their way back to class.
-After school for 4-6 with a healthy snacks (fruit/veg trays)available from the canteen throughout the dance.
-Music was an issue.
-Sportsday Review:
-Hotdogs were a hit, cooking was relatively smooth, very little left from the canteen.
-Set up should be different in future to deal with congestion. More than one table, maybe serve outside as well weather permitting.
-The kids had fun, enjoyed the new format.
Meeting adjourned: 8:00
Next meeting: AGM in September
Have a great summer
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