Monthly Meeting Minutes October 22th, 2008
1. Meeting commenced at 6:30 pm (In attendance: Joe Vidal, Laurie Mutschke, Roylene Richey, Nita Back, Kathleen Schulte, Connie Yasinchuk, Ana Peasgood, Tanya Ballinger, Claudia and Terry Ruel)
Ana motioned to adopt the amended agenda. Kathleen seconded. The motion was carried.
Laurie motioned to adopt the September minutes. Kathleen seconded. The motion was carried.
2. Treasurer's Report :
A. Connie reported that there is $8,140.00 in account ($4,340 from the gaming grant and $3,800 in regular PAC funds).
B. Ana motioned that Connie set a budget for the year. Laurie motioned to make a subcommittee for creating a budget.
C. Ideas to use PAC funds included: booster seats, playground equipment, popcorn maker, new indoor/gym equipment, new fridge, compost bin.
3. DPAC Report – Laurie attended the DPAC meeting on October 17.
A. DPAC will pay BCCPAC fees of $65.
B. Discussed the difference between PAC, CPF and DPAC and how this may be confusing for new parents. Laurie moved to send out a parent information sheet both electronically and hard copies to explain the differences.
C. Next DPAC meeting Friday, November 28.
4. Old Business:
A. Elections of new DPAC and School Planning Counsel representatives were done by secret ballot. Elected representatives for 2008/2009:
-Tanya Ballinger – DPAC and School Planning Counsel
-Kathleen Shulte – School Planning Counsel
- Ana Peasgood – School Planning Counsel
B. Fruit and Vegetable Snack Program is going well, but Laurie mentioned that it'd be beneficial to have a second fridge for storage. There seems to be enough food to possible give out snacks three days.
5. New Business:
A. Discussed options for spending PAC money. Possibly consider new playground equipment in upper field to benefit both KKS and Cassie Hall.
B. Ana motioned to approach the PE Committee and see what they would like us to purchase to supplement their equipment. Nita seconded. The motion was carried.
C. Discussed starting our own milk program. Kathleen to phone Dairyland. Roylene volunteered to be Milk Co-ordinator. Kathleen to look into having a milk order for Halloween.
D. Discussed the importance of a new fridge. Nita to look into removal of the old one. Tanya to get prices for a new one. Kathleen motioned to spend $800.00 on a new fridge. Nita seconded. The motion was carried.
E. Discussed buying booster seats as soon as possible. Nita to look into prices and write a letter to the School Board requesting funding. Kathleen motioned to buy the seats. Tanya seconded. The motion was carried.
6. Principal's Report:
A. Gave an update on school programs and fun, themed days planned for the year.
B. Noted that report cards coming up with new Daily Physical Activity section.
C. Discussed budget update.
D. Requested booster seats.
7. Meeting adjourned 8:05. Next meeting November 26th, 2008.
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