Kiti K’Shan School
Parent Advisory Committee
Monthly Meeting Minutes January 28, 2009
1. Introduction: Meeting commenced at 6:40 pm. (In attendance: Joe Vidal, Laurie Mutschke, Kathleen Schulte, Ana Peasgood, Kerry Giesbrecht and Nita Back )
2. Adoption of Agenda: Kathleen motioned to adopt the agenda. Nita seconded. The motion was carried.
3. Regrets: Claudia and Terry Ruel
4. Secretary’s Report: Kathleen motioned to adopt the November minutes. Nita seconded. The motion was carried.
5. Treasurer’s Report: No review of financial report.
6. Executive Vacancy: DPAC Representative still needed. Based on low number of people at the meeting will try again next month.
Next DPAC meeting is February 13th.
7. Old Business:
A. Milk Program – The program is running well. Extra milks should be going to the breakfast program.
B. The $30 cheque for the old fridge has arrived (Fridge Buy Back Program).
C. The Trees for Tomorrow grant and the Playground Equipment grant have been sent in.
D. Fruit and Vegetable Snack Program - Agatha’s Snack program will run every second week (alternating with the BC Fruit and Vegetable Snack Program). Jennifer Lindstrom has offered to help on Tuesday and Laurie will help Agatha on Thursday.
8. New Business:
A. Ana motioned for PAC to give $50 to purchase seeds and supplies for the Garden Club. Laurie seconded the motion. The motion was carried. Ana will send letters to Jack Cook School, Child Development Center and Cassie Hall to see if they are interested in helping/joining the KKS Garden Club.
B. Ana will apply for the BCTSA Community Connections Grant.
C. There was much discussion about the recent announcement of reconfiguring KKS and Cassie Hall into single track French Immersion and English schools. Kathleen motioned to write a letter to Rob Greenwood requesting an information session for parents of both schools. Laurie seconded the motion. The motion was carried.
9. Principal’s Report:
A. Discussed recent 911 and PALS presentations. Both were very successful events.
B. Gave an update on school reconfiguration process.
C. Included a budget update.
10. Meeting adjourned 8:40. Next meeting February 25, 2009.
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