Kiti K’Shan School
Parent Advisory Committee
Monthly Meeting Minutes February 25, 2009
1. Introduction: Meeting commenced at 6:35 pm. (In attendance: Joe Vidal, Laurie Mutschke, Kathleen Schulte and Nita Back )
2. Adoption of Agenda: Kathleen motioned to adopt the agenda. Laurie seconded. The motion was carried.
3. Regrets: Claudia and Terry Ruel, Ana Peasgood, Roylene Richey, Connie Yasinchuk
4. Secretary’s Report: Kathleen motioned to adopt the January minutes. Nita seconded. The motion was carried.
5. Treasurer’s Report: No review of financial report.
6. DPAC Report:
A. DPAC Representative still needed. Based on low number of people at the meeting will try again next month.
B. Laurie Mutschke (Kiti K’Shan) and Shar McCory (John Field Elementary School in Hazelton) are co-chairs.
C. Anyone is welcome to attend these meetings and Laurie will notify everyone with date of the next meeting.
7. Old Business:
A. Milk Program – The program is running well with milk sales increasing from last month. Kathleen would like Pam Jones-Gallants’ Grade 3 class to help deliver the milk. She would like each student that helps to receive free milk.
B. The Trees for Tomorrow grant has been approved by the Board and sent in with notification of approval being given in May. The Playground Equipment grant has been sent in and notification will be given March 31. The Community Connections Grant has been given to the Board, but not yet approved.
C. Fruit and Vegetable Snack Programs - Agatha’s Snack program started last week and it ran smoothly (deliveries will be Mondays and Wednesdays). Kyra Slofstra will help on Mondays. It is running on alternate weeks to the BC Fruit and Vegetable Program.
8. New Business:
A. Laurie to look into the costs of purchasing buttons for Sports Day.
B. There will be a meeting at Cassie Hall School March 10 starting at 7:00 to discuss the reconfiguration of the two schools. Rob Greenwood will provide an overview, history and the current status of this move. There will be time available for questions and answers.
C. PAC will send out notification letters to all parents with a comment slip at the bottom for parents to ask questions if they are not able to make the meeting. Will provide a drop off box at the office for these comments/questions.
D. Laurie to send out emails requesting help from parents to make phone calls on behalf of PAC informing everyone of the upcoming meeting March 10.
E. Kathleen to price out pots and seeds for Mothers Day gifts.
9. Meeting adjourned 8:10. Next meeting March 31, 2009.
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