Monday, December 7, 2009

KKS PAC November Meeting Minutes

Kiti K’Shan School
Parent Advisory Committee

Monthly Meeting Minutes November 18th, 2009

1. Meeting commenced at 6:40 pm (In attendance: Maxine Champion, Lorelle Kluss, Nita Back, Erin Ball, Michelle Beckley, Ana Peasgood, Valerie Neifer, Terri Bowles, Dina VonHahn, Lyne McWillam-Watts.)

2. Secretary’s Report:
-The September monthly minutes will be adopted next month.
-Lorelle motioned to adopt the October minutes with the changes. Nita seconded the motion.

3. Treasurer’s Report :
-Lorelle Kluss reported that as at October 31, 2009, there is $354 in the Operating account and $ 2,140 in the Gaming account.
-Ginny is still waiting for Northern Savings to contact her to change the signing authority.

4. DPAC Rep. Report:
-Michelle Beckley is going to attend the first meeting at the Kiva (NWCC) on Saturday, November 21.

5. Hot Lunch Coordinator Report:
-Terri reported that to date there has been only one volunteer, Flo Sheppard. She helped make up the menu to follow the proper guidelines.
-The program will go ahead for December, but if there are no volunteers then the program will not continue in January.
-Volunteers are needed on Tuesdays for .5 hour to deliver the lunches to classrooms (preferably one parent per classroom).
-The key for the locked box is in the office. This is where hot lunch order forms are to be dropped off.

6. Fundraising Coordinator Report:
-Ana has organized the Usborne Book Read-A-Thon. It starts November 30 for 10 days. The teachers are supporting it. Ana will post results when completed.

7. Principal’s Report:
-Ally Howard is coming on November 20 to give a presentation to the school on swimming the Skeena River.
-CPF will host a Family Dance at the school on November 20.
-Report cards go out on Monday, November 30 and parent teacher interviews will be December 2 and 3.
-December 15, the classes will be having a Christmas bazaar. Each class will make something to sell. There will also be a mason jar exchange for the students.
-The Christmas Concert will be 10:30am, December 18 at the REM Lee Theatre.
-Regarding the H1N1 outbreak, the highest reported absenteeism was 22%.

7. Old Business:
-Nita still needs to be paid for taking the Food Safe Course – waiting for new signing authority from Northern Savings Credit Union.

8. New Business:
-We need one more volunteer to work backstage at the Christmas Concert on December 18. Terri Bowles will work backstage. Michelle Beckley will use her truck to drive over the equipment. Michelle, Valerie and Nita will decorate the stage. We need wrapped boxes for the stage.
-Dina commented on how good the PAC Blog is - Thanks to Ana!

7. Meeting adjourned 7:20. Next meeting December 16.

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