Kiti K’Shan School
Parent Advisory Committee
Monthly Meeting Minutes April 21, 2010
1. Meeting commenced at 6:30 pm (In attendance: Maxine Champion, Lorelle Kluss, Erin Ball, Nita Back, Ginny Kenmuir, Michelle Beckley, Ana Peasgood, Terri Bowles.)
2. Secretary’s Report:
-Lorelle to type up minutes from January and February’s meeting.
3. Treasurer’s Report :
-Ginny reported that as of March 31, 2010, there is $2,284.02 in the Operating account and $ 6,710.72 in the Gaming account.
4. DPAC Rep. Report:
-Michelle Beckley reported that there is a DPAC meeting tomorrow night.
5. Hot Lunch Coordinator Report:
-Terri Bowles reported that there is a $450.00 profit from the hot lunch program this year.
- Next year will look at combining the milk program and hot lunch program. Roylene Richey is in favour of this.
-Next year look at scheduling the student helpers.
6. Fundraising Coordinator Report:
-The three scrapbooking sessions have profited $879.33. We need to send Tracy Hoffos a thank you card for her scrapbooking donations – Ana to do. Next year, will have a session every two months.
-Next year, ask the teachers about participating in monthly Scholastic book orders with proceeds going to the library.
7. Old Business:
-Mountainview Open House scheduled for next September.
-Discussed splitting up the executives of PAC and CPF next year. Lorelle reviewed the responsibilities of each executive position. There will be a vote on this at the next meeting.
-Ana motioned that we move the swings, bike racks and three newer playground pieces (spring jumper, pods, tunnel) up to Mountainview School. The picnic table, bench and garbage can wait to see if there is an outdoor classroom grant. All other playground equipment at Kiti K’Shan will be moved up to Cassie Hall. The motion was carried.
8. New Business:
-Michelle Beckley gave a brief presentation on a new licensed child care facility, Kids Planet. They will have kindergarten pick up and it has a French component available.
-Regarding the school move, it is only a building move and does not require the PAC to dissolve and form again. We’ll need to change our bank accounts and cheques to our new name.
9. Principal’s Report:
-Kiti K’Shan has a possible school closure date of June 25th for summer break.
-We are waiting on the Ministry to release $30,000 for new playground equipment at Mountainview School.
-There will be a tour available of Mountainview School in late May, early June.
-Currently there are 23 kindergarten registrations for 2010-2011 schoolyear, there are 30 spots available.
-Reviewed anti-bullying day, music festival, academic awards, and other recent school events.
-April 29th at 10:45 in the gym, there will be a music festival performance.
7. Meeting adjourned 7:45. Next meeting on May 19th, 2010.
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