Thursday, October 29, 2009

October CPF Terrace Minutes

CPF Meeting
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Minutes recorded by Nita Back

Call to Order: 7:30 p.m.

Attendance: Lorelle Kluss, Ana Peasgood, Shannon Walker, Nita Back, Maxine Champion, Erin Ball, Terri Bowles, David Block, Michelle Beckley, Kerry Giesbrecht.

Secretary’s Report –Lorelle motioned to adopt minutes from the last meeting in May. David seconded and the motion was approved.

Treasurer’s Report – Micheal Johnson is the current treasurer, but he was not present. Lorelle and Nita currently have the signing authority for the cheques. Lorelle presented the financial status of the accounts held at the Royal Bank. The Operating account has $ 8,266.21 and the Bingo (gaming) account has $11,410.92.

Old Business – The CPF barbeque to be held with the KKS PAC at their tree ceremony will take place in the spring. School trustees and media should be invited.

New Business – Lorelle has set up a meeting schedule for the year and it has been distributed to everyone. We still need to set up extra meetings with Jack Cook, Skeena and Caledonia. It was suggested making these meetings into ‘Theme Meetings’, ie. the meeting at Jack Cook could also include a French lesson for the parents, Skeena’s meeting could take a look at what French Immersion looks like at the higher grades. Lorelle to organize this.

The CPF BC/Yukon AGM is in Vancouver on November 6-8. It would be very beneficial for someone to attend. No one at the meeting can go. Lorelle to try and find someone to go.

Maxine motioned for CPF to pay $350 for a French Illustrator that was at Caledonia. Nita seconded and the motion was approved.

A date for the Fall Dance was picked, November 20 from 6:30-8:30. Lyne Watts cannot organize it this year, but will give all the information to Nita. Advertising and finding donations needs to be done ASAP.

Lorelle suggested as a goal for fundraising, we look into events for the older students. She will check into an exchange program for Gr.7/8 students to SFU.

Erin is looking into and will apply for the Socio-Cultural Grant.

Adjournment - 8:15pm. Next meeting November 18, 2009.

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