Thursday, October 29, 2009

October KKS PAC Meeting Minutes

Kiti K’Shan School
Parent Advisory Committee

Monthly Meeting Minutes October 21st, 2009

1. Meeting commenced at 6:30 pm (In attendance: Maxine Champion, Lorelle Kluss, Nita Back, Shannon Murdoch, Kerry Giesbrecht, Erin Ball, Michelle Beckley, Ana Peasgood, David Bloc, Terri Bowles.)

2. Chairperson’s Report:
-The constitution and bylaws for the new executive can be found on the Kiti K’Shan blog (

3. Secretary’s Report:
-The September monthly minutes will be adopted next month.
-Nita to check filing cabinet in Rm. 9 for key to locked ‘Comment’ box in school front entrance.

4. Treasurer’s Report :
-Lorelle Kluss reported that as at October 1, 2009, there is $277.97 in the Operating account and $ 4,570.72 in the Gaming account.
-Ginny is waited for Northern Savings to contact her to change the signing authority.

5. Hot Lunch Coordinator Report:
-Terri is in the process of setting up a weekly hot lunch program(to be delivered on Tuesdays). She hopes to have it running by mid-November.
-Terri will write up a letter asking for 5 parent volunteers to help with delivery.
-She will ask Jack Cook School if they are interested in joining our program.

6. Principal’s Report:
-Maxine updated the school numbers, currently there are 139 students.
-Grade 7 Leadership Club is running various noon hour clubs which seem to be going very well. They are putting on a Halloween Dance, one for kindergartens to Gr. 3 at lunch and afterschool for Gr.4-7. Students will be able to wear costumes to school on Friday, October 29.
-Milk program is going well. Grade five students are doing the delivery.
-Mr.Geary class has collected salmon eggs from Deep Creek. They are in the tank in front of the library.
-Our school team is Les Bouledogues with purple, gold and white colour uniforms. Our boys and girls volleyball teams are starting to compete.
-Maxine suggested having a Trees for Tomorrow celebration in the spring.
-We still need representatives for the School Planning Council.
-The grade 6/7 class are creating a new crest for our school. The teachers will vote to choose the final one to be used as the new letterhead.
7. Old Business:
-Nita still needs to be paid for taking the Food Safe Course – waiting for new signing authority from Northern Savings Credit Union.
-BBQ/Trees for Tomorrow – This was unanimously decided to hold a celebration in the spring when all the planting is done and the weather is warmer.

8. New Business:
-Lorelle has set up a meeting schedule for the year and it has been distributed to everyone.
-Lorelle made a motion to cover costs of school uniforms. This would be $856 plus shipping and GST for 20 uniforms. The motion was approved.
-Ana is organizing a fundraising Read-A-Thon. Ana and Nita are discussing other fundraising ideas.
- Lorelle will look into having child minding at the next meeting.

7. Meeting adjourned 7:30. Next meeting November 18.

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