Thursday, October 29, 2009

What's happening at Kiti K'Shan

A few new things for students and parents to look forward to at Ecole Kiti K'Shan

Leadership Club
The Grade 7 Leadership group is in full swing. They are hosting lunch hour clubs everyday of the week and they will be hosting a Halloween dance for the students. Thank you to everyone in the group for giving up your free time to make Kiti K'Shan a great place to be!

Trees for Tomorrow
The trees have been planted on the school yard and there will be more to come in the spring. Thank you to the maintenance crew for all your hard work. Students & staff can look forward to a celebration BBQ & yard work bee in the spring.

CPF Family Dance
November 20th 6:30-8:30pm
Ecole Kiti K'Shan
Free for CPF Members - Non Members $5 per family

Come out and enjoy a great night of dancing and other fun activities.

Help the school earn new books for the library, and earn some for yourself. Watch for more information to be coming home soon.

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