CPF Meeting
Wednesday, May 19th, 2010
Minutes recorded by Nita Back
Call to Order: 7:15 p.m.
Attendance: Lorelle Kluss, Ana Peasgood, Nita Back, Maxine Champion, Ginny Kenmuir, Terri Bowles, Erin Ball, David Block, Simone Snyder, Shannon Murdoch.
Secretary’s Report –Lorelle to type up minutes from January and February meetings. Reviewed April’s minutes and Lorelle motioned to adopt the minutes, Ana seconded.
Treasurer’s Report –Ginny presented the financial status of the accounts held at the Royal Bank. As of May 3, the Operating account has $ 6,289.77 and the Bingo (gaming) account has $8,271.89.
-The budget was reviewed and changes were made. Lorelle made a motion to table the approval of the budget until next month’s meeting. Nita seconded the motion.
- Treasurer needs to send a voided cheque to the BC CPF headquarters.
Vice-Chairperson Report – Erin presented the vice chairperson’s annual report.
Old Business -The French Spring Festival planning is going well by Ana and Nita. Flo Shepard is organizing the canteen. There have been lots of volunteers. 10 Caledonia students have volunteered and they will be given letters of reference for their help.
-The meeting at Skeena on May 4 for parents and students to see what the French Immersion program looks like in high school went well. There were 10 parents in attendance. A Skeena teacher, Carolyn Faber, is trying to organize a trip to France next June for FI grade 8-10 students.
-There are four FI students graduating this year. They will each receive a pin and free lunch for the grads and parents at Flavours Restaurant. Shannon Murdoch is organizing this event. The expected cost is $250.00. Everyone approved the cost of the lunch.
-The Early Years Fair was successful. There were lots of kindergarten registration forms handed out.
-The Trade Show was also successful, although next year we should look at picking a timeslot where there will be more parents with children attending (ie Saturday morning).
-Currently there are 23 kindergarten students registered for next year.
New Business – There is a Grade 10 student from France who is looking for a host family here in Terrace for the next school year. If anyone is interested in helping him, contact Shannon Murdoch.
-Terrace CPF does not seem to have our own constitution, therefore we will follow the BC CPF constitution.
-Executive elections were held and the results are as follows:
Chair – Lorelle Kluss
Vice-Chair – Ginny Kenmuir
Treasurer – Terri Bowles
Secretary – Nita Back
Directors – Advertising – David Block
Special Events – Ana Peasgood
Exchanges – Simone Snyder
Memberships – Shannon Murdoch
At Large – Erin Ball
Adjournment - 8:30pm. Next meeting June 16th, 2010.
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