Tuesday, June 22, 2010

June CPF Minutes

CPF Meeting
Wednesday, June 16th, 2010
Minutes recorded by Nita Back

Call to Order: 7:30 p.m.

Attendance: Lorelle Kluss, Ana Peasgood, Nita Back, Maxine Champion, Ginny Kenmuir, Terri Bowles, David Block, Shannon Murdoch.

Secretary’s Report – Reviewed May’s minutes. Motioned to adopt the minutes. MSC (motion second, carried).

Treasurer’s Report –Terri reviewed the present financial statements. Many changes were made to increase the amount in student exchanges. Motion was made to approve the Budget 2010/2011. MSC. Finalized budget is attached.
-Motioned to change accounts from the Royal Bank to Northern Savings and to add Terri Bowles to existing signing authority. MSC.

Old Business -The French Spring Festival was successful. We made a profit of $267.53.
-Shannon commented that the graduates and their parents really appreciated the luncheon at Flavours restaurant.
-Proposed Homework Club – Maxine will approach the staff and get their input regarding a homework club for next year. This is not to be a tutoring service, but only a specific time for kids to work on homework with a French facilitator there to help.

New Business – Fundraising outline for next year is to include: Open House/French bookfair on Sept 22, 2010, Family Dance/Festival in November, and Carnivale/Sugar Shack in Jan/Feb.
-There will be more information available in September regarding the trip to France for Grade 8-10 students next year. It is estimated that each student will have to pay $3,300 for the 8 day trip.

Adjournment - 8:30pm. Next meeting TBA.

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