Kiti K’Shan School
Parent Advisory Committee
Monthly Meeting Minutes May 19, 2010
1. Meeting commenced at 6:30 pm (In attendance: Maxine Champion, Lorelle Kluss, Erin Ball, Nita Back, Ginny Kenmuir, Ana Peasgood, Shannon Murdoch, Terri Bowles and Simone Snyder.)
2. Secretary’s Report:
-Lorelle to type up minutes from January and February’s meeting.
-Reviewed April’s minutes. Lorelle motioned to accept the minutes, Ana seconded.
3. Treasurer’s Report :
-Ginny reported that as of April 30, 2010, there is $2,556.26 in the Operating account and $ 6,710.72 in the Gaming account.
4. Old Business:
-Mountainview Open House scheduled for June 9, 2010 from 4:30 – 6:30.
-Regarding the playground at Mountainview School, we received a $30,000 grant to buy new equipment. The swings, bike racks, picnic table, one bench and the three newer pieces of playground equipment from Kiti K’Shan will be moved up to Mountainview. The remaining playground equipment will be moved up to Cassie Hall School.
5. New Business:
-We will need to change the school logo for next year. Mr. Geary has come up with a new logo that is working on.
-For the year end awards, small trophies will be given out instead of having names added to the big Kiti K’Shan trophies. We will look into the cost of reusing the big trophies next year, by just changing the school name on them.
-Ana brought forward some concerns parents have been voicing about educational support at the school. She proposed a Homework Club for grades 4 to 7 twice a week. She estimates that it will cost $2,000.00 to pay for a tutor. It was discussed and will be looked into by CPF. Maxine commented that location of the Homework Club may be a problem. There may be grants we can apply for to help with the cost. She stated that it is very important that parents know there is going to be some support next September for the students.
6. Principal’s Report:
-Kiti K’Shan’s last day of school will be June 25th. The PAC room needs to be packed up by that date.
-Events upcoming include: Spring Festival on May 28, Grade4 &5 forestry tour on June 4, Track meet at Skeena school on June 5 for the Track and Field Club, Grade 3-7 field trip to Kitimat Pool on June 11 and fun day for K-2, Sport’s Day is June 18 in the morning.
-Pac will run the canteen for the Sport’s Day. Terri Bowles volunteered to organize the canteen for PAC. PAC needs to supply to Sport’s Day ribbons. Lorelle to order these from the TB Vets. PAC will supply lunch for every student on Sport’s Day.
-Trees for Tomorrow celebration will be held on Wednesday, June 23 after school at Kiti K’Shan. PAC is to supply the cupcakes and contact the media –Ana volunteered to organize this. Maxine will contact the school superintendents and trustees.
7. Meeting adjourned 7:10 Next meeting on June 16th, 2010.
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