Sunday, October 24, 2010

CPF Terrace - October Minutes

OCTOBER 20, 2010
In attendance: Terri Bowles, Simone Snyder, Ana Peasgood, Maxine Champion,
Lorelle Walker-Kluss, Nancy Stone-Archer, Nita Back, Kerri Bowles, Dina Von Hahn, Ginny Kenmuir, Roberta Taylor
Minutes taken by: Nita Back

Secretary Report: Minutes from June reviewed. Lorelle made a motion to adopt the minutes. MSC.
-Thank you letters were received from last year scholarship winners.

Vice Chairperson Report: No news yet regarding the grants.

Treasurer Report: Terri gave current account numbers, $3,506.98 in the Operating account and $9,267.04 in the Bingo account.

Fundraising Report: Much Music Dance is on November 26th, there will be no free tickets given out even to volunteers – Voted on layout of posters done by Sarah Zimmerman. The black posters will be hung up around town by Terri and the yellow posters will be handed out to the students as flyers.
-The bookfair was a success, raising $1300.00 in new books for the library.
-Shelley Carpino has agreed to organize the Read-a-thon this year.

New Business: Concert opportunity - Will and the Backyard Band for November 26th. Everyone agreed it would be a good idea if the date could be changed and Lorelle is to check if the cost includes travel and accommodation.
-Kerri Bowles agreed to head up the membership drive and will phone current members who’s membership has or is about to expire.

Old Business: The Paris student exchange trip was discussed. It was decided to not donate the sign up cost of $195.00 per person, but to consider donating a lump sum at a future date. We would like the organizer, Caroline Faber, to come in and present us with a financial timeline and itinerary of the trip.
-The Homework Club is able to start. It will be Tuesdays at the library from 3:15 to 4:00 for students in Gr. 4 to Gr. 7. Mme Cleveland will be the organizer.

Adjournment 8:30pm

Next Meeting: November 17th @ 7:30pm

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