Thursday, October 21, 2010

PAC AGM Minutes

OCTOBER 6 2010
In attendance: Terri Bowles, Simone Snyder, Ana Peasgood, Maxine Champion,
Lorelle Walker-Kluss
Minutes taken by :Lorelle Walker-Kluss

Chairperson Report: - Lorelle gave out a copy of the constitution from Kiti K’Shan for everyone to look over, she will bring a draft copy for Ecole Mountainview and then we can adopt a new constitution.
-Discussion over signing authority issues- consensus that Treasurer tries to get 2 others signers when available. There is an opportunity at every PAC meeting for any PAC member concerned to come see our books.

Treasurer Report: - Terri presented year end numbers- some info over the trees for tomorrow grant cheque discussed- $ received and paid out over two fiscal years
-September 2010 numbers- bought cheques
-Discussion over having a PAC budget

Hot Lunch Report: Lorelle gave Terri the list of volunteers from the open house
-plan to still have it on Tuesday’s- to start end of October
- looking at “hot” food for the winter: soups, chilli
-need 2 parents to help and then get the older kids to help as well
-kitchen inspection done
-milk fridge needs to be moved from Kiti K’Shan

Fundraising Report: - First scrapbooking crop to be held on October 23- 4 people already registered, 6 intend on registering
-Discussion over Nita co-coordinating fundraising with Ana
- Need a plan as to what we are fundraising for

Principals Report:-playground equipment breaking ground October 12th- done by the 20th
-swings had to be modified
- PAC $ may not be needed for the equipment purchase- Maxine to let us know
-Picture day October 7
-Science World coming to the school next week

Executive Elections: No new people at meeting to put names forward-

Executive for 2010/2011:
Chairperson: Lorelle Walker-Kluss
Vice- Chairperson: Ginny Kenmuir
Secretary: Nita Back
Treasurer: Terri Bowles
Hot Lunch Coordinator: Terri Bowles- possible co-coordinator
Fundraising Coordinators: Ana Peasgood & Nita Back

Still Looking for people to volunteer:
DPAC (District) Rep:
SPC (School Planning Council) Rep- SECRET BALLOT


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