OCTOBER 20, 2010
In attendance: Terri Bowles, Simone Snyder, Ana Peasgood, Maxine Champion,
Lorelle Walker-Kluss, Nancy Stone-Archer, Nita Back, Kerri Bowles, Dina Von Hahn, Ginny Kenmuir, Roberta Taylor
Minutes taken by: Nita Back
Secretary Report: Changes were made to the October 6 AGM minutes. Motion made to accept the minutes. MSC.
-Lorelle noted that the DPAC (District) Rep and SPC (School Planning Council) Rep positions still need to be filled.
Treasurer Report: Terri gave current account numbers, $1,470.32 in the Operating account and $6,685.72 in the Bingo account.
Hot Lunch Report: Plan to still have it on Tuesday’s to start first or second week of November
- Suoad Abriel has volunteered to be the co-ordinator and Nancy Stone-Archer to pick up food on Tuesdays
-need 5 parents (to work on a rotation) to help distribute the food and then get the older kids to help as well
-milk fridge needs to be moved from Kiti K’Shan
Fundraising Report: First scrapbooking crop to be held on October 23- 4 people already registered, 6 intend on registering, to make $23 per person profit, future dates are set for November 20th and December 11th
-Discussion over showing Heritage Hockey game on Feb. 22
-Need a volunteer to take on Movie Nights
-VanHoutte coffee fundraiser will go ahead, starting Nov. 1 till Nov. 12. Teachers to promote not selling door to door, but only to friends and family.
- Goals for fundraising – purchasing new sports bins for each classroom look at SportFactor online, possibly French keyboards for the computers
New Business: Maxine reviewed the Consultation Meetings coming up regarding reconfiguration
-Parking issues were brought up that the traffic does not seem to flow smoothly at drop off and pick up times. Maxine stated that after much consideration the present way is the safest and most efficient. There has been parking signs ordered that maintence will install.
-There is a bad echo problem in our gym – maintence has ordered sound proofing tiles to be installed. We could possible hang up flags or put mats on the walls to help with the echo.
-Lorelle is to look into the price of an outdoor electronic bulletin board
-It was brought up that we should look into a Buddy System for our older and younger students
Old Business: Ana will sew on the new crests to the school uniforms when they arrive.
Principals Report: Updated school numbers at 144 students
-playground installation has been delayed until the ground is dry or frozen
-Picture re-take day November 2
-School Planning Council still needs three representatives. They will be elected by secret ballot. The first meeting is in January.
-Boy’s and girl’s volleyball teams have been started. M. Peden coaching the girls and Mme Stewart coaching the boys.
-Gr.7 Leadership club will begin their lunch hour clubs for the younger students after Halloween. The Gr.6’s will be helping out.
-Halloween dance is on Friday, October 29th at noon hour. Costumes are allowed, but there will be notes sent home detailing the types of costumes allowed.
-M. Gearey’s class is running the salmon project again this year.
-Changes at the district level: Mr. Greenwood is not longer the Superintendant, Brent Speidel is acting as Superintendent until a permanent replacement is found. Linda Brown will not be Secretary Treasurer, and Alanna Cameron will be taking her spot until a replacement is found.
Adjournment 7:30pm
Next Meeting: November 17th @ 6:30pm
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