Sunday, November 21, 2010

December Fundraiser Crop

Ecole Mountainview
All Day Scrapbooking Fundraiser:
Saturday, December 11th, 2010

Come and spend the day scrapbooking, cardmaking, or crafting of any kind with your friends. This is a great opportunity to raise funds for the school and socialize with other papercrafters. Registration is open to all members of the community!

10:00am – 5:00pm
Ecole Mountainview – Multi Purpose Room
3505 Bailey Street, Terrace BC
The cost is $25.00 per person. (Seating is Limited)
* Coffee & tea (Please bring your own travel mug)
* An on-site store provided by Remember This Scrapbooking:
* Page contests & Door Prize

Want to increase your odds of winning something; you will get an extra door prize ticket for bringing an appetizer or dessert to share at the snack table

Please bring registration form to the Ecole Mountainview Office.
Tickets will be sold on a first-come, first-serve basis;
Space is limited.

For more information visit or
call Ana Peasgood 250.635.7903

Monday, November 8, 2010

Much Music Dance- Tickets on Sale NOW!!

Tickets are on Sale for the Much Music Video Dance. To avoid disappointment, do not wait to purchase! There is a limited quantity available!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

All Day Scrapbooking Fundraiser
Saturday, Novmeber 20th, 2010

Come and spend the day scrapbooking, cardmaking, or crafting of any kind with your friends. This is a great opportunity to raise funds for the school and socialize with other papercrafters. Registration is open to all members of the community!

10:00am – 5:00pm
Ecole Mountainview – Multi Purpose Room
3505 Bailey Street, Terrace BC
The cost is $35.00 per person. (Seating is Limited)
Please Register by November 15th, 2010

Coffee & tea (Please bring your own travel mug)
Lunch & Afternoon Snack
An on-site store provided by Remember This Scrapbooking:
Page contests & Door Prize

Want to increase your odds of winning something; you will get an extra door prize ticket for bringing an appetizer or dessert to share at the snack table

Please bring registration form to the Ecole Mountainview Office.

Tickets will be sold on a first-come, first-serve basis; Space is limited.

For more information visit or
call Ana Peasgood 250.635.7903

Much Music Video Dance - November 26th, 2010

CPF Terrace - October Minutes

OCTOBER 20, 2010
In attendance: Terri Bowles, Simone Snyder, Ana Peasgood, Maxine Champion,
Lorelle Walker-Kluss, Nancy Stone-Archer, Nita Back, Kerri Bowles, Dina Von Hahn, Ginny Kenmuir, Roberta Taylor
Minutes taken by: Nita Back

Secretary Report: Minutes from June reviewed. Lorelle made a motion to adopt the minutes. MSC.
-Thank you letters were received from last year scholarship winners.

Vice Chairperson Report: No news yet regarding the grants.

Treasurer Report: Terri gave current account numbers, $3,506.98 in the Operating account and $9,267.04 in the Bingo account.

Fundraising Report: Much Music Dance is on November 26th, there will be no free tickets given out even to volunteers – Voted on layout of posters done by Sarah Zimmerman. The black posters will be hung up around town by Terri and the yellow posters will be handed out to the students as flyers.
-The bookfair was a success, raising $1300.00 in new books for the library.
-Shelley Carpino has agreed to organize the Read-a-thon this year.

New Business: Concert opportunity - Will and the Backyard Band for November 26th. Everyone agreed it would be a good idea if the date could be changed and Lorelle is to check if the cost includes travel and accommodation.
-Kerri Bowles agreed to head up the membership drive and will phone current members who’s membership has or is about to expire.

Old Business: The Paris student exchange trip was discussed. It was decided to not donate the sign up cost of $195.00 per person, but to consider donating a lump sum at a future date. We would like the organizer, Caroline Faber, to come in and present us with a financial timeline and itinerary of the trip.
-The Homework Club is able to start. It will be Tuesdays at the library from 3:15 to 4:00 for students in Gr. 4 to Gr. 7. Mme Cleveland will be the organizer.

Adjournment 8:30pm

Next Meeting: November 17th @ 7:30pm

PAC Minutes - October

OCTOBER 20, 2010
In attendance: Terri Bowles, Simone Snyder, Ana Peasgood, Maxine Champion,
Lorelle Walker-Kluss, Nancy Stone-Archer, Nita Back, Kerri Bowles, Dina Von Hahn, Ginny Kenmuir, Roberta Taylor
Minutes taken by: Nita Back

Secretary Report: Changes were made to the October 6 AGM minutes. Motion made to accept the minutes. MSC.
-Lorelle noted that the DPAC (District) Rep and SPC (School Planning Council) Rep positions still need to be filled.

Treasurer Report: Terri gave current account numbers, $1,470.32 in the Operating account and $6,685.72 in the Bingo account.

Hot Lunch Report: Plan to still have it on Tuesday’s to start first or second week of November
- Suoad Abriel has volunteered to be the co-ordinator and Nancy Stone-Archer to pick up food on Tuesdays
-need 5 parents (to work on a rotation) to help distribute the food and then get the older kids to help as well
-milk fridge needs to be moved from Kiti K’Shan

Fundraising Report: First scrapbooking crop to be held on October 23- 4 people already registered, 6 intend on registering, to make $23 per person profit, future dates are set for November 20th and December 11th
-Discussion over showing Heritage Hockey game on Feb. 22
-Need a volunteer to take on Movie Nights
-VanHoutte coffee fundraiser will go ahead, starting Nov. 1 till Nov. 12. Teachers to promote not selling door to door, but only to friends and family.
- Goals for fundraising – purchasing new sports bins for each classroom look at SportFactor online, possibly French keyboards for the computers

New Business: Maxine reviewed the Consultation Meetings coming up regarding reconfiguration
-Parking issues were brought up that the traffic does not seem to flow smoothly at drop off and pick up times. Maxine stated that after much consideration the present way is the safest and most efficient. There has been parking signs ordered that maintence will install.
-There is a bad echo problem in our gym – maintence has ordered sound proofing tiles to be installed. We could possible hang up flags or put mats on the walls to help with the echo.
-Lorelle is to look into the price of an outdoor electronic bulletin board
-It was brought up that we should look into a Buddy System for our older and younger students

Old Business: Ana will sew on the new crests to the school uniforms when they arrive.

Principals Report: Updated school numbers at 144 students
-playground installation has been delayed until the ground is dry or frozen
-Picture re-take day November 2
-School Planning Council still needs three representatives. They will be elected by secret ballot. The first meeting is in January.
-Boy’s and girl’s volleyball teams have been started. M. Peden coaching the girls and Mme Stewart coaching the boys.
-Gr.7 Leadership club will begin their lunch hour clubs for the younger students after Halloween. The Gr.6’s will be helping out.
-Halloween dance is on Friday, October 29th at noon hour. Costumes are allowed, but there will be notes sent home detailing the types of costumes allowed.
-M. Gearey’s class is running the salmon project again this year.
-Changes at the district level: Mr. Greenwood is not longer the Superintendant, Brent Speidel is acting as Superintendent until a permanent replacement is found. Linda Brown will not be Secretary Treasurer, and Alanna Cameron will be taking her spot until a replacement is found.

Adjournment 7:30pm

Next Meeting: November 17th @ 6:30pm

Thursday, October 21, 2010

PAC AGM Minutes

OCTOBER 6 2010
In attendance: Terri Bowles, Simone Snyder, Ana Peasgood, Maxine Champion,
Lorelle Walker-Kluss
Minutes taken by :Lorelle Walker-Kluss

Chairperson Report: - Lorelle gave out a copy of the constitution from Kiti K’Shan for everyone to look over, she will bring a draft copy for Ecole Mountainview and then we can adopt a new constitution.
-Discussion over signing authority issues- consensus that Treasurer tries to get 2 others signers when available. There is an opportunity at every PAC meeting for any PAC member concerned to come see our books.

Treasurer Report: - Terri presented year end numbers- some info over the trees for tomorrow grant cheque discussed- $ received and paid out over two fiscal years
-September 2010 numbers- bought cheques
-Discussion over having a PAC budget

Hot Lunch Report: Lorelle gave Terri the list of volunteers from the open house
-plan to still have it on Tuesday’s- to start end of October
- looking at “hot” food for the winter: soups, chilli
-need 2 parents to help and then get the older kids to help as well
-kitchen inspection done
-milk fridge needs to be moved from Kiti K’Shan

Fundraising Report: - First scrapbooking crop to be held on October 23- 4 people already registered, 6 intend on registering
-Discussion over Nita co-coordinating fundraising with Ana
- Need a plan as to what we are fundraising for

Principals Report:-playground equipment breaking ground October 12th- done by the 20th
-swings had to be modified
- PAC $ may not be needed for the equipment purchase- Maxine to let us know
-Picture day October 7
-Science World coming to the school next week

Executive Elections: No new people at meeting to put names forward-

Executive for 2010/2011:
Chairperson: Lorelle Walker-Kluss
Vice- Chairperson: Ginny Kenmuir
Secretary: Nita Back
Treasurer: Terri Bowles
Hot Lunch Coordinator: Terri Bowles- possible co-coordinator
Fundraising Coordinators: Ana Peasgood & Nita Back

Still Looking for people to volunteer:
DPAC (District) Rep:
SPC (School Planning Council) Rep- SECRET BALLOT


Sunday, October 17, 2010

PAC & CPF Meeting

PAC Meeting - Wednesday October 20th @ 6:30pm
CPF Terrace Meeting - Wednesday October 20th @ 7:00pm

Ecole Mountainview Library

All parents welcome!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

All Day Scrapbooking Fundraiser

Saturday, October 23rd, 2010

Come and spend the day scrapbooking, cardmaking, or crafting of any kind with your friends. This is a great opportunity to raise funds for the school and socialize with other papercrafters. Registration is open to all members of the community!

10:00am – 5:00pm
Ecole Mountainview – Multi Purpose Room
3505 Bailey Street, Terrace BC
The cost is $35.00 per person. (Seating is Limited)
Please Register by October 18th, 2010

Coffee & tea (Please bring your own travel mug)
Lunch & Afternoon Snack
An on-site store provided by Remember This Scrapbooking:
Page contests & Door Prize

Want to increase your odds of winning something; you will get an extra door prize ticket for bringing an appetizer or dessert to share at the snack table

Please bring registration form to the Ecole Mountainview Office.

Tickets will be sold on a first-come, first-serve basis; Space is limited.

For more information visit or
call Ana Peasgood 250.635.7903

Registration Form

Saturday, September 18, 2010

PAC AGM Date Change

The PAC AGM will be October 6th @ 6pm. All parents are invited and encouraged to attend.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Keep Updated!

Welcome back to a new school year.

To keep informed of PAC & CPF events, we suggest that you subscribe to an RSS feed for this site. It will automatically update you when we add new content(posts).

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Thursday, September 2, 2010

PAC AGM Notice

CPF Scholastic Editions Bookfair:
September 22nd 2:30-4:00pm and 6:00-7:30pm
Ecole Mountainview PAC AGM:
October 6th 6:00pm
All parents are invited and encouraged to attend!

CPF Terrace will be holding their annual French Language bookfair during the Ecole Mountainview Open House.
We need a few volunteers to make this happen:
Setup – Sept 21
Selling - Sept 22 2:30-4:00 and 6:00-7:00
Cleanup - Sept 23
Please email Ana at goodpeas@telus net or call 635-7903 to volunteer your time. Thanks in advance!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

June CPF Minutes

CPF Meeting
Wednesday, June 16th, 2010
Minutes recorded by Nita Back

Call to Order: 7:30 p.m.

Attendance: Lorelle Kluss, Ana Peasgood, Nita Back, Maxine Champion, Ginny Kenmuir, Terri Bowles, David Block, Shannon Murdoch.

Secretary’s Report – Reviewed May’s minutes. Motioned to adopt the minutes. MSC (motion second, carried).

Treasurer’s Report –Terri reviewed the present financial statements. Many changes were made to increase the amount in student exchanges. Motion was made to approve the Budget 2010/2011. MSC. Finalized budget is attached.
-Motioned to change accounts from the Royal Bank to Northern Savings and to add Terri Bowles to existing signing authority. MSC.

Old Business -The French Spring Festival was successful. We made a profit of $267.53.
-Shannon commented that the graduates and their parents really appreciated the luncheon at Flavours restaurant.
-Proposed Homework Club – Maxine will approach the staff and get their input regarding a homework club for next year. This is not to be a tutoring service, but only a specific time for kids to work on homework with a French facilitator there to help.

New Business – Fundraising outline for next year is to include: Open House/French bookfair on Sept 22, 2010, Family Dance/Festival in November, and Carnivale/Sugar Shack in Jan/Feb.
-There will be more information available in September regarding the trip to France for Grade 8-10 students next year. It is estimated that each student will have to pay $3,300 for the 8 day trip.

Adjournment - 8:30pm. Next meeting TBA.

June PAC Minutes

Kiti K’Shan School
Parent Advisory Committee

Monthly Meeting Minutes June 16, 2010

1. Meeting commenced at 6:30 pm (In attendance: Maxine Champion, Lorelle Kluss, Nita Back, Ginny Kenmuir, Ana Peasgood, Shannon Murdoch and Terri Bowles.)

2. Secretary’s Report:
-Reviewed May’s minutes. Lorelle commented that she did not order the ribbons from the TB Vets, but from a local business, Sivertip Promotions. Motion made to accept the minutes. MSC (motion second, carried).

3. Treasurer’s Report :
-Ginny reported that as of May 30, 2010, there is $954.14 in the Operating account and $ 6,710.72 in the Gaming account.
-Motion made to have Terri replace Ginny as treasurer until next AGM. MSC.
-Motion made to change school name from Kiti K’Shan to Ecole Mountainview Parents Advisory Council on bank accounts and to leave the current signees, but to add on Terri’s name. MSC.

4. Old Business:
-Maxine asked for our suggestions as to what type of playground equipment will be purchased for Mountainview.
-Motion made to contribute $5,000.00 from the Gaming account to help buy new playground equipment. MSC.
-Lorelle purchased the ribbons for Sports Day and everything is ready for that event.
-Trees for Tomorrow Celebration will be on June 23 at 4:00 pm. There has been a media release and the cupcakes are ordered. School trustees have notified us that they can not attend due to a special board meeting the same day.

5. New Business:
-There are four scrapbooking crops planned for next year (Oct, Dec, Feb, April).
-Ana suggested as a fundraising event to raffle off a trip to the Heritage Classic Hockey game in Calgary next year. Prize would include trip for two to Calgary, hotel and hockey tickets. Ana will do the research for this ie. costs and licencing requirements.
-Direct Gaming Grant applications need to be done by June 30 – Nita to do this.

6. Principal’s Report:
-Grade 3-7 students enjoyed the trip to the Kitimat pool. The staff at the pool commented on how well behaved our students acted. The Grade 4/5 class had a field trip to the Ministry of Forest. Again, the staff commented how well behaved the students acted and how impressed they were with the amount of French spoken by the students.
-Other field trips have been happening: K/Gr.1 class took the city bus to the library, Mme Goodwin’s K class went to her house to see the chicks they hatched in their class this spring.
-Last day of school is Friday, June 25 with an assembly at 9:30 am.

7. Meeting adjourned 7:30. Next meeting TBA.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

School tour given

FRENCH immersion parent Bruce Martindale speaks with principal Maxine Champion yesterday during a tour of Mountainview Elementary on the bench.

Terrace Standard - June 10, 2010

FRENCH immersion parents and students received a tour yesterday of their new home, Mountainview Elementary on the bench.

The program is moving from Kiti K'Shan to Mountainview this fall.

Built seven years ago for $3.2 million, Mountainview has never been opened, a circumstance driven by an economic decline and by demographics.

Instead, the building has been used for storage and lately, as the headquarters for the B.C. Winter Games.

Trustees decided to close Kiti K'Shan because it is an aging structure compared to Mountainview. Among other amenities, it has a full-size gym with rubber compound floor.

PAC May Minutes

Kiti K’Shan School
Parent Advisory Committee

Monthly Meeting Minutes May 19, 2010

1. Meeting commenced at 6:30 pm (In attendance: Maxine Champion, Lorelle Kluss, Erin Ball, Nita Back, Ginny Kenmuir, Ana Peasgood, Shannon Murdoch, Terri Bowles and Simone Snyder.)

2. Secretary’s Report:
-Lorelle to type up minutes from January and February’s meeting.
-Reviewed April’s minutes. Lorelle motioned to accept the minutes, Ana seconded.

3. Treasurer’s Report :
-Ginny reported that as of April 30, 2010, there is $2,556.26 in the Operating account and $ 6,710.72 in the Gaming account.

4. Old Business:
-Mountainview Open House scheduled for June 9, 2010 from 4:30 – 6:30.
-Regarding the playground at Mountainview School, we received a $30,000 grant to buy new equipment. The swings, bike racks, picnic table, one bench and the three newer pieces of playground equipment from Kiti K’Shan will be moved up to Mountainview. The remaining playground equipment will be moved up to Cassie Hall School.

5. New Business:
-We will need to change the school logo for next year. Mr. Geary has come up with a new logo that is working on.
-For the year end awards, small trophies will be given out instead of having names added to the big Kiti K’Shan trophies. We will look into the cost of reusing the big trophies next year, by just changing the school name on them.
-Ana brought forward some concerns parents have been voicing about educational support at the school. She proposed a Homework Club for grades 4 to 7 twice a week. She estimates that it will cost $2,000.00 to pay for a tutor. It was discussed and will be looked into by CPF. Maxine commented that location of the Homework Club may be a problem. There may be grants we can apply for to help with the cost. She stated that it is very important that parents know there is going to be some support next September for the students.

6. Principal’s Report:
-Kiti K’Shan’s last day of school will be June 25th. The PAC room needs to be packed up by that date.
-Events upcoming include: Spring Festival on May 28, Grade4 &5 forestry tour on June 4, Track meet at Skeena school on June 5 for the Track and Field Club, Grade 3-7 field trip to Kitimat Pool on June 11 and fun day for K-2, Sport’s Day is June 18 in the morning.
-Pac will run the canteen for the Sport’s Day. Terri Bowles volunteered to organize the canteen for PAC. PAC needs to supply to Sport’s Day ribbons. Lorelle to order these from the TB Vets. PAC will supply lunch for every student on Sport’s Day.
-Trees for Tomorrow celebration will be held on Wednesday, June 23 after school at Kiti K’Shan. PAC is to supply the cupcakes and contact the media –Ana volunteered to organize this. Maxine will contact the school superintendents and trustees.

7. Meeting adjourned 7:10 Next meeting on June 16th, 2010.

CPF 2010 AGM Minutes

CPF Meeting
Wednesday, May 19th, 2010
Minutes recorded by Nita Back

Call to Order: 7:15 p.m.

Attendance: Lorelle Kluss, Ana Peasgood, Nita Back, Maxine Champion, Ginny Kenmuir, Terri Bowles, Erin Ball, David Block, Simone Snyder, Shannon Murdoch.

Secretary’s Report –Lorelle to type up minutes from January and February meetings. Reviewed April’s minutes and Lorelle motioned to adopt the minutes, Ana seconded.

Treasurer’s Report –Ginny presented the financial status of the accounts held at the Royal Bank. As of May 3, the Operating account has $ 6,289.77 and the Bingo (gaming) account has $8,271.89.
-The budget was reviewed and changes were made. Lorelle made a motion to table the approval of the budget until next month’s meeting. Nita seconded the motion.
- Treasurer needs to send a voided cheque to the BC CPF headquarters.

Vice-Chairperson Report – Erin presented the vice chairperson’s annual report.

Old Business -The French Spring Festival planning is going well by Ana and Nita. Flo Shepard is organizing the canteen. There have been lots of volunteers. 10 Caledonia students have volunteered and they will be given letters of reference for their help.
-The meeting at Skeena on May 4 for parents and students to see what the French Immersion program looks like in high school went well. There were 10 parents in attendance. A Skeena teacher, Carolyn Faber, is trying to organize a trip to France next June for FI grade 8-10 students.
-There are four FI students graduating this year. They will each receive a pin and free lunch for the grads and parents at Flavours Restaurant. Shannon Murdoch is organizing this event. The expected cost is $250.00. Everyone approved the cost of the lunch.
-The Early Years Fair was successful. There were lots of kindergarten registration forms handed out.
-The Trade Show was also successful, although next year we should look at picking a timeslot where there will be more parents with children attending (ie Saturday morning).
-Currently there are 23 kindergarten students registered for next year.

New Business – There is a Grade 10 student from France who is looking for a host family here in Terrace for the next school year. If anyone is interested in helping him, contact Shannon Murdoch.
-Terrace CPF does not seem to have our own constitution, therefore we will follow the BC CPF constitution.
-Executive elections were held and the results are as follows:
Chair – Lorelle Kluss
Vice-Chair – Ginny Kenmuir
Treasurer – Terri Bowles
Secretary – Nita Back
Directors – Advertising – David Block
Special Events – Ana Peasgood
Exchanges – Simone Snyder
Memberships – Shannon Murdoch
At Large – Erin Ball

Adjournment - 8:30pm. Next meeting June 16th, 2010.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Terrace Standard - School holds carnival

ALEX Watt mans the fish pond at yesterday's carnival at Kiti K'Shan school in Terrace
Terrace Standard - School holds carnival

School holds carnival
Online Published: May 29, 2010 6:00 AM

A WARM spring day yesterday proved the perfect setting for a spring carnival held at Terrace's French immersion school, Kiti K'shan.

Parent volunteers and teachers combined to stage games of fun and of chance along with food for the kindergarten to Grade 7 school.

The event took place in front of the school.

Live entertainment took the form of the band Late Night on Air.

The carnival is one of the last major events to take place at Kiti K'Shan. This fall the French immersion program moves up on the Bench to occupy the never-used Mountainview Elementary.

Built in 2003 in anticipation of a student population which never materialized, Mountainview has been mothballed since completion.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

3rd Annual Spring Family Festival

The Terrace Chapter of Canadian Parents for French

proudly presents our

3rd Annual
Spring Family Festival
Friday May 28th
3:30pm – 7:00pm

Ecole Kiti K’Shan
4630 Graham Avenue

We invite the community to join us for Carnival Style Games and Family Entertainment. Come help us celebrate the last family event at Kiti K’Shan before we close our doors at the end of the school year.
With Special Musical Guests “Late Night on Air”

$2.00/family for CPF Members, $5.00/family non-members
Current & former Kiti K’Shan Teaching Staff receive complementary admission
Carnival Game Tickets .25 cents each or 5 for $1.00

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Art of Advocacy

Though a bursary by Autism Community Training (ACT) a workshop on

THE ART OF ADVOCACY, is being presentedat UPLANDS ELEMENTARY (likely Library sponsored by the UPLANDS PAC and the MTG group.

TIME: 9:00 am to 4:00 p.m.
TOPIC: WEBINAR (pre-recorded and projected on screen) Workshop
designed for parents of children who have invisible disabilities and
the example of advocacy skills is applied to the Education System.

Open to all parents and interested persons wanting to learn advocacy skills.

Pre-registration : email with
Your name:
Phone number:
Lunch: Yes____ No____
(indicate if you wish to have a sandwich lunch for $6.00 or not (Starfish Bistro sandwich and juice, water, tea or coffee) or not.)

Or leave a message at 250-635-9192 or 250-638-6558 with the same info clearly stated.

We know this is short notice however it should be interesting and hope parents will get a lot from it who are able to attend.

(Sorry no child care available this time.)

Rebecca Georges.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

PAC April Minutes

Kiti K’Shan School
Parent Advisory Committee

Monthly Meeting Minutes April 21, 2010

1. Meeting commenced at 6:30 pm (In attendance: Maxine Champion, Lorelle Kluss, Erin Ball, Nita Back, Ginny Kenmuir, Michelle Beckley, Ana Peasgood, Terri Bowles.)

2. Secretary’s Report:
-Lorelle to type up minutes from January and February’s meeting.

3. Treasurer’s Report :
-Ginny reported that as of March 31, 2010, there is $2,284.02 in the Operating account and $ 6,710.72 in the Gaming account.

4. DPAC Rep. Report:
-Michelle Beckley reported that there is a DPAC meeting tomorrow night.

5. Hot Lunch Coordinator Report:
-Terri Bowles reported that there is a $450.00 profit from the hot lunch program this year.
- Next year will look at combining the milk program and hot lunch program. Roylene Richey is in favour of this.
-Next year look at scheduling the student helpers.

6. Fundraising Coordinator Report:
-The three scrapbooking sessions have profited $879.33. We need to send Tracy Hoffos a thank you card for her scrapbooking donations – Ana to do. Next year, will have a session every two months.
-Next year, ask the teachers about participating in monthly Scholastic book orders with proceeds going to the library.

7. Old Business:
-Mountainview Open House scheduled for next September.
-Discussed splitting up the executives of PAC and CPF next year. Lorelle reviewed the responsibilities of each executive position. There will be a vote on this at the next meeting.
-Ana motioned that we move the swings, bike racks and three newer playground pieces (spring jumper, pods, tunnel) up to Mountainview School. The picnic table, bench and garbage can wait to see if there is an outdoor classroom grant. All other playground equipment at Kiti K’Shan will be moved up to Cassie Hall. The motion was carried.

8. New Business:
-Michelle Beckley gave a brief presentation on a new licensed child care facility, Kids Planet. They will have kindergarten pick up and it has a French component available.
-Regarding the school move, it is only a building move and does not require the PAC to dissolve and form again. We’ll need to change our bank accounts and cheques to our new name.

9. Principal’s Report:
-Kiti K’Shan has a possible school closure date of June 25th for summer break.
-We are waiting on the Ministry to release $30,000 for new playground equipment at Mountainview School.
-There will be a tour available of Mountainview School in late May, early June.
-Currently there are 23 kindergarten registrations for 2010-2011 schoolyear, there are 30 spots available.
-Reviewed anti-bullying day, music festival, academic awards, and other recent school events.
-April 29th at 10:45 in the gym, there will be a music festival performance.

7. Meeting adjourned 7:45. Next meeting on May 19th, 2010.

CPF April Minutes

CPF Meeting
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Minutes recorded by Nita Back

Call to Order: 7:45 p.m.

Attendance: Lorelle Kluss, Ana Peasgood, Nita Back, Maxine Champion, Ginny Kenmuir, Terri Bowles, Erin Ball, Michelle Beckley.

Secretary’s Report –Lorelle to type up minutes from January and February meetings.

Treasurer’s Report –Ginny presented the financial status of the accounts held at the Royal Bank. As of March 31, the Operating account has $ 7,988.20 and the Bingo (gaming) account has $8,271.89.
-Attached is the report of credits/debits to date.

Vice-Chairperson Report – Deadline for Community Gaming Grant is February 2011.
-Since we didn’t hold the Sugar Shack event this year, that money was given back and relocated.

Old Business – The vote on the executive composition was tabled until next month’s meeting.
-The French Spring Festival planning is underway by Ana and Nita. They presented an outline of the event. There are many volunteers still needed. Lorelle motioned to give the Spring Festival a $2,500.00 budget. The motion was carried.
-There is a meeting at Skeena on May 4 at 7 pm for parents and students to see what the French Immersion program looks like in highschool.
-Trade Show is April 30 to May 2. CPF will be at the Bingo Table on Friday, April 30th from 6:00pm – 8:00pm. Erin and Nita will be at the table. We are still looking for donations for the baskets, possible carnival scarves.

New Business – Terri Bowles volunteered to organize the Grad luncheon for the Grade 12 students.
-The Early Years Fair is coming up on May 8. Volunteers are needed for this event.
-Lorelle is looking into whether the Terrace Chapter of CPF has its own constitution.
-The AGM is next month, May 19th. Michelle will put an ad into the paper listing the details.

Adjournment - 8:30pm. Next meeting May 19th, 2010.

Monday, April 19, 2010

3rd Annual Spring Family Festival

The Terrace Chapter of Canadian Parents for French

proudly presents our
3rd Annual
Spring Family Festival
Friday May 28th
3:30pm – 7:00pm

Ecole Kiti K’Shan
4630 Graham Avenue

We invite the community to join us for Carnival Style Games and Family Entertainment. Come help us celebrate the last family event at Kiti K’Shan before we close our doors at the end of the school year.
With Special Musical Guests “Late Night on Air”

$2.00/family for CPF Members, $5.00/family non-members
Current & former Kiti K’Shan Teaching Staff receive complementary admission
Carnival Game Tickets .25 cents each or 5 for $1.00

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Ecole Kiti K'Shan Closing - School moving to Ecole Mountainview for 2010/2011 school year

As per the CMSD# 82 Website

At the Public School Board Meeting of Wednesday, March 17th, the Coast Mountains Board of Education passed by-laws closing South Hazelton School, L’Ecole Kiti K’Shan, and reconfiguring Suwilaawks Community School by closing the E.T. Kenney building on that site effective this coming June 30th, 2010.

Starting in September 2010, the children that currently attend South Hazelton Elementary will be attending New Hazelton Elementary or John Field Elementary Schools; the K-3 students who attend classes in the E.T. Kenney building of Suwilaawks Community

School will joining the Grades 4 – 7 students in the Clarence Michiel building on the same site.

During the same meeting, the Board of Education voted to open Mountainview Elementary School to accommodate the students that currently attend L’Ecole Kiti K’Shan.

Like many districts in the province, the Coast Mountains Board of Education continues to deal with increasing cost pressures against our budgets during a time of declining enrolments and economic uncertainty. Over the past few months, the Board has given careful consideration to how we can continue to maintain and balance our standards of facility services to students with our overall educational program effectiveness.

The notices of possible school closure given on South Hazelton Elementary, the notice of possible school reconfiguration on Suwilaawks Community School, and the relocation of the French Immersion School of Kiti K’Shan to Mountainview School were put forward following a thorough review and discussion of the space available in all school buildings in our various communities. Following the receipt of information from District Staff, and public consultation, the Board has determined that it is financially advantageous to relocate students to neighbouring schools or buildings, while being able to maintain levels of programs and services to students. The relocation of students to neighbouring schools will, in fact, create significant cost savings to the school district in the long term.

While these closures and reorganization of facilities will mean significant change within our district, the Board feels that these changes must be made to maintain overall program diversity and opportunity, and will help us to maximize educational services for students.

District Staff are preparing specific implementation plans for these changes. They, along with trustee representatives, will meet with all Partners over the next few days and weeks to ensure that plans effect these changes in a way that will ensure everyone’s best interests and concerns are considered and addressed. District Staff and School Administrators will ensure that all Partners are kept informed regarding the progress of these plans in a timely fashion.

The Board of Education recognizes that school closures and reconfigurations mean significant change for students, parents, and staff. However, making more efficient use of our facilities will help us maintain educational programs and services for students across the district … and the education of students continues to be our primary goal.

Thank you! Scrapbooking & Concours

Thank you to Tracey from Remember This! Scrapbooking and to all the participants who attended the past three fundraising crops. Not only did we have a great time together we raised over $800.00 for the students of Ecole Kiti K'Shan!

We are done our scrapbooking crops for this year, but we will be back in the Fall with our first crop planned for October 2010 at our new location in Ecole Mountainview.

If you would like to be informed of upcoming Crop events please email Ana at .


Thank you also to Erin Ball of Canadian Parents for French - Terrace Chapter, Heather Robinson & Shannon Murdoch for hosting a successful Concours competition in Terrace this weekend. Over 30 participants from across District #82 competed in this local competition for a berth at the Provincial Concours later this spring. Thank you to our judges & participants as well.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

PAC/CPF Meeting Cancelled

The PAC/CPF Meeting for March has been cancelled. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

KKS & CPF Executive

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

2010 Ski Trip

The Grade 4/5 & 6/7 classes had a great day hitting the slopes last week. They are off again this week and one last time next week as well. Thank you to the great staff at Shames Mountain for giving our students a wonderful time. Thank you also to CPF Terrace Chapter for sponsoring the transportation.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Fundraiser - Scrapbooking Crop

Ecole Kiti K’Shan
All Day Scrapbooking Fundraiser: Saturday, February 27th, 2010

Come and spend the day scrapbooking, cardmaking, or crafting of any kind with your friends. This is a great opportunity to raise funds for the school and socialize with other scrapbookers.

10:00am – 5:00pm
Ecole Kiti K’Shan – Gym
Entrance is through the upper parking lot next to the Gym. (No Stairs!)
The cost is $35.00 per person.

Included :
- Coffee & tea (Please bring your own travel mug)
- Lunch & Afternoon Snack
- An on-site store provided by Remember This Scrapbooking:
- Page contests & Door Prize

Want to increase your odds of winning something, you will get an extra door prize ticket for bringing an appetizer or desert to share at the snack table

Registration forms available at the Ecole Kiti K’Shan Office.

Tickets will be sold on a first-come, first-serve basis; Space is limited.
call Ana Peasgood 250.635.7903 or email

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Carnaval 2010

Thursday, January 21, 2010


The Terrace Chapter of CPF is sponsoring our Annual Carnaval celebrations at Ecole Kiti K'Shan January 25th - 29th, 2010.

Monday - Kickoff Assembly 9:10am with a special visit from Bonhomme Carnaval
Tuesday - Toque & Sash Day
Wednesday - Snow Golf in the back upper field
Thursday - Fun Activities in the Gym
Friday - Closing assembly 10:ooam
Merci to the Carnaval Coordinator - Mme. Snyder, all the parent volunteers and the staff of Ecole Kiti K'Shan for supporting this annual event!

To learn more about Carnaval please visit

CPF Terrace has Authentic Arrowhead Sashes for sale at Ecole Kiti K'Shan. They are $25 each and all proceeds go to supporting French Language & Cultural Activities in Terrace.
Arrowhead sash with an embroidered Bonhomme Carnaval.
About 92 inches long.
Made in Québec

The arrowhead sash, inspired by the Amerindian culture, has remained a symbol in Quebecois society thanks to the Québec Carnival. In the 19th century, this belt was used to tie jackets at the waist to prevent the cold from creeping in. It also supported the kidneys in moments of physical effort. It was both a practical and fashionable accessory, worn by both the bourgeois and the peasants. The belt and the red hat, linked directly to Québec folklore, are today considered the primary elements of Bonhomme's outfit.

The ceinture fléchée, or arrowhead sash, was one of the famous badges of the voyageur. The ceinture fléchée had many uses. It was used for warmth, as a tump line and a support on the portage, as an emergency rope, and as a mark of distinction and origin. When tightly woven and treated with beeswax, it could even be used as a cup.

Originally, ceintures fléchées were woven by hand using a technique called 'finger weaving'. Later, sashes were machine loomed in England for the Canadian mass market.

The term 'fléchée' refers specifically to the original arrowhead design, but there were many other patterns. The chevron, the 'flammes' (flames), the 'éclairs' (lightning bolts), the 'W' ( double chevron), and the 'tête de flèche' (large two-tone arrowhead) were also used. Colors and patterns were distinctive of various regions. Probably the most famous of all sashes were those from the Assomption area of Lower Canada, which had multiple multi-colored lightning-bolts (éclairs) flanking a central red core.

À l’aventure… partout au Canada!

French Film night at Ecole Kiti K'Shan
Date: Friday, March 19, 2010
Location: KKS gym
Show Time: 7:00pm (doors open at 6:30)
Free of Charge!

Le 7e voyage de La Mouette, (On the Road with La Mouette!) 2001, 52 min
Directed by François Aubry and Philippe d’Hauterive and produced by Jacques Turgeon

At the crack of dawn, Louise, Philippe and their three sons – Simon, age 19, Félix, 16, and Étienne, 14 – hit the road with their travelling puppet show, Le Théâtre de La Mouette. This time they are setting off for the Maritimes and Newfoundland; it’s their seventh tour in ten years. They have already crossed Canada from east coast to west, and north to the Yukon, taking their amusing play with its serious ecological message to the remotest towns and villages. Like the wandering entertainers of yore, the d'Hauterive family spends gruelling months on the road. But they have freely chosen this lifestyle as a different way of travelling, learning and enjoying their freedom. Interspersing scenes of family life with spectacular scenery and music from around the world, the film invites the spectator along to share the joys and tribulations of this very special family.

Preceded by an animated short film:

Une courtepointe pour grand-maman,(Oma’s Quilt) 2007, 13 min
Directed by Izabela Bzymek and produced by Svend-Erik Eriksen

Oma’s Quilt is about love, life and change. Oma’s home for half a lifetime is brimming with memories that warm her heart yet bring tears to her eyes. On this day, her house stands empty, all the fragments of her life packed neatly into boxes. Oma is moving from Maple Street, where she lived for most of her life, to a senior’s residence where she doesn’t know anyone. Watching these events unfold is granddaughter Emily, a young girl full of wide-eyed enthusiasm. She senses that her grandmother isn’t sure she will like her new home. Wishing to help, Emily does something to ease the burden of such a momentous change in all their lives.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Terrace 2010 BC Winter Games

Volunteers needed for the 2010 BC Winter Games being hosted in Terrace March 4-7, 2010

If you have some time to give, please go to


Friday, January 8, 2010

All Day Scrapbooking Fundraiser: Saturday, January 30th, 2010

Ecole Kiti K’Shan
All Day Scrapbooking Fundraiser: Saturday, January 30th, 2010

Come and spend the day scrapbooking, cardmaking, or crafting of any kind with your friends. This is a great opportunity to raise funds for the school and socialize with other scrapbookers.

10:00am – 5:00pm
Ecole Kiti K’Shan – Multi Purpose Room
Entrance is through the upper parking lot next to the Gym. (No Stairs!)
The cost is $35.00 per person.
Included :
- Coffee & tea (Please bring your own travel mug)
- Lunch & Afternoon Snack
- An on-site store provided by Remember This Scrapbooking:
- Page contests & Door Prize

Want to increase your odds of winning something, you will get an extra door prize ticket for bringing an appetizer or desert to share at the snack table

Registration forms available at the Ecole Kiti K’Shan Office.

Tickets will be sold on a first-come, first-serve basis; Space is limited.
For more information visit or call Ana Peasgood 250.635.7903

PAC - December Minutes

Kiti K’Shan School
Parent Advisory Committee

Monthly Meeting Minutes December 16th, 2009

1. Meeting commenced at 6:30 pm (In attendance: Maxine Champion, Lorelle Kluss, Nita Back, Ginny Kenmuir, Michelle Beckley, Ana Peasgood, Terri Bowles.)

2. Secretary’s Report:
-Lorelle motioned to adopt the November minutes. Nita seconded the motion.

3. Treasurer’s Report :
-Lorelle Kluss reported that as of November 30, 2009, there is $838.67 in the Operating account and $ 6,710.72 in the Gaming account.
-Lorelle, Ginny and Nita have signing authority for PAC accounts at Northern Savings Credit Union.

4. DPAC Rep. Report:
-Michelle Beckley attended the first meeting on November 21. It was the AGM. Michelle and Laurie Mutshke will be sharing the role of secretary.
-Lorelle motioned to vote that KKS PAC will NOT pay for membership to DPAC for 2009-2010. Everyone agreed.

5. Hot Lunch Coordinator Report:
-Terri Bowles reported that volunteers are still needed. She needs 4 helpers for about 15 minutes to help deliver orders.
-There were 57 orders out of a total of 113 students. The kids are enjoying it and the next order form is already out.

6. Fundraising Coordinator Report:
-The Usborne Book Read-A-Thon is finished and was very successful. 41 students participated raising a total of $1,849.35. That means $1,054.14 in new books for our library.
-Ana would like to host a movie night at the school and possibly have showings of the Olympic hockey games.
-Ana and Terri are organizing an all day scrapbooking crop for the end of January. It will cost $35 per person and include lunch. Remember This scrapbooking store will be onsite. PAC should make about $18 a person.

7. Principal’s Report:
-The Christmas Bazaar was very successful. The Grade 7 Club raised over $480.00. Next year there needs to be more items to buy, more time for shopping and bags should be provided for the students.
-The Christmas concert is this Friday at 10:30.
-KKS is a BC Winter Games Billeting school and volunteers are still needed. Ana should add this to our blog.

7. Old Business:
-Nita was paid for FoodSafe course.

8. New Business:

7. Meeting adjourned 7:30. Next meeting January 20th, 2010.

CPF December Minutes

CPF Meeting
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Minutes recorded by Nita Back

Call to Order: 7:30 p.m.

Attendance: Lorelle Kluss, Ana Peasgood, Nita Back, Maxine Champion, Ginny Kenmuir, Terri Bowles, David Block, Michelle Beckley.

Secretary’s Report –Nita motioned to adopt the changed minutes from the November meeting with David being appointed the Spring Barbeque coordinator. Lorelle seconded and the motion was approved.

Treasurer’s Report –Lorelle presented the financial status of the accounts held at the Royal Bank. As of November 26, the Operating account has $ 8,696.39 and the Bingo (gaming) account has $9,094.07.
-Terri motioned to remove Michael Johnson from the treasurer position due to his inability to fulfil all the necessary roles as treasurer. The motion was passed. Lorelle to write a letter to Michael to let him know about the decision.
-David motioned to have Ginny as the new treasurer. The motion was passed.

Vice-Chairperson Report – bingo grant has to be in by the end of February.

Old Business – The Family Dance was a success. Estimated profits were more than $1000.00. Some suggestions for next year would be to have the dance go for a longer time, look at doing the pictures differently (the lighting wasn’t great this year), possibly changing the location of some of the games and changing the menu of the canteen.)

New Business – Lorelle motioned that the scrapbooking cap should be $50.00 for the year 2009/2010. The motion was passed. Lorelle to talk with Stella Peden as to how much money has been spent so far.
-David presented some options for purchasing a CPF canopy to be used at future events.
-Simone has volunteered to coordinate the Winter Carnival this year to take place at the end of January.

Adjournment - 8:30pm. Next meeting January 20, 2010.